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Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-07-23T00:00

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When daughter meets father -- The narration and reflection of a female social worker works in a single parent association.
This research is base on interpretation study. It’s a narrative storyabout my life. I grow up in a single parent family. Now, I am a master student andsocial worker, have worked in a single parent association for more than oneyear. When I work in the association I am so confused about what is social workand I feel lost direction in life. So I want to recognize myself and socialwork by review my family and job, and hope to find out the meaning of life andwork.Through the process of writing, I found myself quite unfamiliar with externalstructure system because of my superficial mind, with this insight, I learnedto kept exploring my life experiences by macro point of view. Finally, Iunderstand the view of an individual is as a society, and in the complex relationshipof power and frame, which is the system of structure oppressing me. After writing, I feel my negative emotions andthoughts are reduced. I feel liberated from the pain, and more closer to myself.Although the research is exploring my life experiences, it still discusssome issues in such social work practice field, such as gender difference, classmobility, power relations, resource allocation, survival anxiety, publicwelfare culture and professional culture of contradictions ... ... etc. So Ithink this experience is not unique to me, it happen on many social workers. Ihope this paper will useful for someone.
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Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-07-27T15:44
When Daughter Meets Father— Narration and Reflection of a Female (Social) Worker in a Single-parent Organization
(這是你的主題嗎?如果是,請不要忘記每個字開頭都要大寫。Social應該可以省略,因為本來就是在社會上工作。) 本研究以詮釋學的觀點為基礎,採用敘事研究的方法來整理我的生命歷程。我是一個從單親家庭中長大的孩子,現在是一名社會工作碩士班的學生,並且在一個單親機構中工作了一年多。而因著我在工作時對社會工作與人生方向產生了很多的困惑,所以希望透過回溯自己的家庭和工作來重新理解自己與社會工作,並且找出生命和工作的意義與價值。
This research bases on interpretation studies and narrates stories about my life. I grew up in a single-parent family. Now, I am a master student in the department of social work. Having worked in a single-parent organization for more than a year, I became so confused about what social work really means and I was quite lost. Therefore, I want to  examine my true self and social working system by looking back at my family and job, hoping to find out the answers.

請問你說社會工作碩士班,是指一邊工作一邊攻讀碩士嗎?還是說是有關社工的碩士學位?看起來好像是後者,有點搞不太懂,我改成社工系的碩士生。某某學問,要用studies而非study。了解社工我改成了解社工的體系,這樣比較順。 在書寫的過程中,我因為發現以前的自己常常只注意到事情的表層,忽略外在結構性的問題,所以在此期間也透過不斷地反思、探索,以學習從鉅視層面來看事情。最後我理解到個人即社會的觀點,在複雜的權力關係與體制下其實是結構壓迫了我。而書寫過後,我感覺自己負向的情緒和思想都減少許多,並從痛苦中獲得到了解放,與自己也更加地親近。 Through the writing process, I found that I often overlooked structural issues because all I noticed was appearance. With this insight, I learned to explore my life experiences in all aspects. Finally, I understood that individuals are the miniatures of a society. The key factor actually lied in the complicated power structure, which oppressed me in its disguise. After I finished writing, my negative thoughts and feelings gradually dissolved. I knew more about myself and I was free from pain.

2011-07-23 19:53:32 補充:
2011-07-23 19:53:44 補充:
Although the research aims to explore my life experiences, it still includes some issues in social work field such as gender differences, class mobility, power relations, resource allocation, survival anxiety, public welfare and conflicts in professional culture, etc.
2011-07-23 19:53:49 補充:
So, I think my experience might have been common in the workplace. Therefore, I sincerely hope that my research would be helpful and beneficial to my readers.
2011-07-23 20:11:18 補充:
Now, I am a graduate student who studies and works at the same time.


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-22T00:00


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-07-22T00:00
今年指考成績約可上成大化工andamp;中央電機,現在很猶豫哪一個志願要放在前面.學的內容是否相差很多?又未來的�� ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-07-22T00:00
我今年升高一,學校出的暑假作業中要求我們要去當義工8個小時,可是我不曉得能去哪當義工。請各位回答的朋�� ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-07-22T00:00
這個問題真的困擾我很久我知道在一個團體中一個班級裡一定會有人緣很好和人緣很差的人可是我發現人緣很好的 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-07-22T00:00
最近要填志願了想要知道這三個系大概是在幹嘛,以及出路不用從網站上copy資料因為我都看過了只是還是搞不太�� ...