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By Mia
at 2005-10-10T00:00

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Texas Instruments’ Code of Ethics
A large multinational firm, Texas Instruments (TI) manufactures computers, calculators, and other high-technology products. Its code of ethics resembles that of many organizations. It addresses issues relating to policies and procedures; government laws and regulations; relationships with customers, suppliers, and competitors; accepting gifts, travel, and entertainment; political contributions; expense reporting; business payments; conflicts of interest; investing in TI stock; handling proprietary information and trade secrets; using TI employees and assets to perform personal work; relationships with government officials and agencies; and enforcing the code. TI’s code emphasizes that ethical behavior is critical to maintaining long-term success and that each individual is responsible for upholding the integrity of the company:
一個大的多國公司,德克薩斯工具 (TI)製造電腦,計算者和其他的尖端科技產品。 它的道德規範的密碼許多組織相似那。 它向議題演說與政策和程序有關; 政府法律和條例; 和消費者,供應者和競爭者的關係; 接受禮物,旅行,和娛樂; 政治貢獻;費用報告; 生意付款; 利害衝突; 投資在 TI 存貨; 操作的專有資料和貿易秘密; 使用 TI 職員和資產表現個人的工作; 和政府官員和代理的關係; 而且執行密碼。TI 的密碼強調,倫理的行為對維持長期的成功是重要的而且每個個體負責維持公司的正直:
Our reputation at TI depends upon all of the decisions we make and all the actions we take personally each day. Our values define how we will evaluate our decisions and actions…and how we will conduct our business. We are working in a difficult and demanding, ever-changing business environment. Together we are building a work environment on the foundation of integrity, innovation, and commitment. Together we are moving our company into a new century …one good decision at a time. We are prepared to make the tough decisions or take the critical actions …and do it right. Our high standards have rewarded us with an enviable reputation in today’s marketplace…a reputation of integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. That strong ethical reputation is a vital asset…and each of us shares a personal responsibility to protect, to preserve, and to enhance it. Our reputation is a strong but silent partner in all business relationships. By understanding and applying the values presented on the following pages, each of us con say to ourselves, and to others, “TI is a good company, and one reason is that I am part of it. “Know what’s right. Value what’s right. Do what’s right.
在 TI 的我們的名譽仰賴我們作出的所有的決定和所有的行動 , 我們每天親自地拿。 我們的價值定義 , 我們將如何評估我們的決定和行動…,而且我們將如何處理我們的生意。 我們正在工作在一困難的而且要求,不斷改變的生意環境。 一起我們正在建築在正直,改革的基礎方面的工作環境,而且承諾。 一起我們正在每次移動我們的公司進入新的世紀…之內好決定。 我們準備作出艱難的決定或者帶重要的行動…而且做它權利。 我們的高標準已經用今天的市場…正直,誠實和可信賴的名譽的令人欣羨名譽獎賞我們。 強烈的倫理名譽是重要的資產…而且我們每一個分享個人的責任保護,保護,和提高它。 我們的名譽是所有的生意關係的強的但是沈默的合夥人。 藉由了解而且應用價值在下列的頁上呈現,我們每一個欺詐的發言權對我們自己,和到其它,”TI 是一家好公司,而且一個理由是我是它的部份。 ”知道什麼是正確的。 評價什麼是正確的。 做什麼是正確的。
Like most codes of ethics, TI’s requires employees to obey the law. In many instances, however, TI expects its employees to abide by ethical standards that are more demanding than the law. For example, although some local laws permit companies to contribute to political candidates or elected officials, TI’s code states that “no company funds may be used for making political contributions of any kind to any political candidate or holder of any office of any government-national, state or local. This is so even where permitted by local law.” TI also goes beyond the federal law prohibiting discrimination against minorities and expects its employees to treat all fellow workers with dignity and respect: “The hours we spend at work are more satisfying and rewarding when we demonstrate respect for all associates regardless of gender, age, creed, racial background, religion, handicap, national origin, or status in TI’s organization.”
像大多數道德規範的密碼, TI 需要職員服從法律。 在許多例證中,然而, TI 期待它的職員遵守比法律要求多的倫理標準。舉例來說,雖然一些地方法律允許公司成為政治的候選人的因素或者選舉了官員 , 密碼說那的 TI ”沒有公司基金可能作為對任何的政治候選人或任何任何政府的辦公室的持有人約訂任何類型的政治貢獻-國民,州或地方. 這是如此平坦在哪裡允許被地方法律。” TI 也超越聯邦的法律禁止對抗少數的差別而且期待它的職員用尊嚴和敬意對待所有的同伴工人: ”數小時我們花費在工作中是更滿意和更有益的當我們示範不管性別,年齡,教條,種族的背景,宗教的對所有的同伴敬意的時候, TI 的組織的障礙,國家的起源或狀態。”
Texas Instruments’ code of ethics is not just lip service paid to social concerns about business ethics; the company enforces the code through audits and disciplinary action where necessary. TI’s corporate internal audit function measures several aspects of business ethics, including compliance with policies, procedures, and regulations; the economical and efficient use of resources; and the internal controls of management systems. In addition, the code states that “any employee who violates TI’s ethical standards is subject to disciplinary action which can include oral reprimand, written reprimand, probation, or immediate termination.” The TI Ethics committee, established in1987, oversees all the activities of the ethics office. The committee consists of five high-level TI managers, who review and approve policy, procedures, and publications; monitor compliance initiatives; review any major ethical issues; and approve appropriate corrective actions.
德克薩斯工具的道德規範的密碼不只是口頭上的應酬話對對生意道德規範的社會關心支付; 公司經過稽核和紀律處分執行密碼在哪裡必需的。TI 的企業內在的稽核運作措施生意道德規範的一些方面,包括符合政策,程序和條例的作法; 資源的節儉和有效率使用; 而且管理制度的內在控制。 除此之外,密碼說那”違犯 TI 的倫理標準的任何職員受制於能包括口頭的譴責,書面的譴責,檢定或立即的終止紀律處分。” TI 道德規範委員會,在 1987 年建立, 監督道德規範辦公室的所有活動。 委員會有五位高階層的 TI 經理,檢討,而且贊同政策,程序和出版;監視服從率先;檢討任何的主要倫理的議題;而且贊同適當的糾正行動。
To ensure that its employees understand the nature of business ethics and the ethical stands they are expected to follow, TI has three key publications: Standard Policies and Procedures, The TI Commitment, and The Value and Ethics of TI. Employees are also provided with a mini-pamphlet containing an “ethics quick test” to help them when they have doubts about the ethics of specific situations and behaviors:
為了要確定它的職員了解生意道德規範的性質和他們被期望跟隨的倫理的臺子,TI 有三本關鍵的出版: 標準的政策和程序, TI 承諾,而且價值和 TI 的道德規範。 職員也具有一迷你-小冊子包含一”道德規範快的測試”幫助他們當他們有關於特定情形和行為的道德規範的懷疑時候:
Is the action legal?
Does it comply with our values?
If you do it, will you feel bad?
How will it look in the newspaper?
If you know it’s wrong, don’t do it!
If you’re not sure, ask.
Keep asking until you get an answer.
TI also provides a toll-free number(1-800-33-ETHIC) for employees to call, anonymously,to report incidents of unethical behavior or simply to ask questions.
The extent of TI’s commitment to its employees is further evidenced by the programs and support it offers them:
“Open door” policy for all managers(any level)
No retaliation, retribution, discrimination, or harassment
Required sexual harassment training
Required forty hours of ethics training per year
Educational support form external sources
Promotion from within
Community involvement support
Career development networks
TI 也為職員提供一個無通行費數字 (1-800-33 道德規範)呼叫,作者不詳地,報告不道德行為的事件或者只是問問題。
TI 的範圍對它的職員承諾更進一步被證據被它提供他們的計畫和支持:
為所有的經理 " 門戶開放 " 政策(任何的水準)
Texas instruments explicitly states what it expects of its employees and what behaviors are unacceptable. By enforcing the codes wholeheartedly, TI has taken logical steps to safeguard its excellent reputation for ethical and responsible behavior. When such standards of behavior are not made explicit, employees sometimes base ethical decisions on their observations of the behavior of peers and management. The use of rewards and punishments to enforce codes and policies enables TI to control the opportunities employees have to behave unethically and to increase employees’ acceptance of ethical standards.
德克薩斯工具明確地說它它的職員期待和什麼行為是無法接受的。 藉由一心一意地執行密碼, TI 已經採取的合乎邏輯的步驟為倫理的和有責任的行為保衛它的優良名譽。當行為的如此標準不被做明白的時候,職員有時以在他們的同儕和管理的行為觀察方面的倫理的決定作基礎。執行密碼和政策准許 TI 控制機會職員的獎賞和處罰的使用必須不道德地行為表現並且增加職員的對倫理的標準接受度。
Organizational ethics programs also must have oversight by high-ranking persons known to respect legal and ethical standards. These individuals—often referred to as ethics offers—are responsible for managing their organizations’ ethics and legal

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2005-10-14T10:58
自己翻的..非翻譯機德克薩斯儀器公司的道德規範德克薩斯儀器 (TI)是一間規模很大的跨國公司,它製造電腦,計算機和其他高科技產品。 它的道德規範與許多組織相似。而演說的議題與下列政策和程序有關--政府法律和條例;消費者,供應商和競爭者之間的關係;接受禮物,旅遊,和娛樂;政治貢獻;費用報告;生意上的支付;利益衝突;投資TI股票;操作專有資料和貿易機密;雇用 TI 職員和能表現個人工作能力的資產;和政府官員與代理商的關係;執行規範。TI 的規範強調--倫理的行為對於維持長期成功是重要的,而且每個人都有責任來維持公司的清廉我們在 TI 所得到的名譽,仰賴每一天所有我們所作出的決定,和我們個人所採取的行動 。我們的價值定義在--我們如何評估我們的決定和行動,和我們將如何處理我們的生意。 我們正在從事一個困難的工作,因為我們處在一個不斷改變中的商業環境當中。我們將一起建造一個工作環境,其基礎是--清廉.改革且致力奉獻。我們一起來使我們的公司進入新的世紀…這是一個非常好的決定。我們準備作出艱難的決定或者採取重要的行動…而且是以正確的方式。我們的高標準已經使我們在現今的市場中得到報酬並得到令人羨慕的評價…清廉,誠實和可信賴。堅定的道德名譽是我們重要的資產…而且我們每一個人都分享著責任保護,保存,和提高它。因為我們的名譽是堅定的,所以在談生意時,合夥人都不會有其他意見。藉由了解而且應用那些在下列的價值,我們每一個人都可以對自己和其他人說,”TI 是一家好公司,而且其中一個理由因為是我是它的一份子。” ”我知道什麼是正確的。我的價值觀念是正確的。我會做正確的事。” 就像大多數公司的道德規範一樣,TI公司要求需要職員必須遵守法律。在許多例證中,然而, TI 期待它的職員遵守比法律要求更多的倫理標準。舉例來說,雖然一些國內法律允許公司贊助政治候選人或是選舉時的官員,而TI的規範是” 不論在國內或國外,沒有一家公司的基金會用來贊助任何選舉時的政治候選人或支持任何公家機關”當你承諾要遵守當地法律時,這樣是公平的!TI也和聯邦的法律一樣禁止差別待遇,而且期待它的職員用尊嚴和敬意對待所有的同伴工人”當我們對同事表現敬意時,我們所花費在工作中的數小時會是更滿意和更有益處的,而在TI組織中,是不分性別,年齡,教條,種族的背景,身心障礙,國籍,或地位的。 德克薩斯儀器公司的道德規範,不只是對商業道德規範和社會關懷的口頭應酬話而已,公司認為在執行規範時會先經過稽核和紀律上的行動是必須的。TI企業內部的稽核功能是在測量比較幾種商業道德規範的觀點,其中包括了服從政策,程序,條例的作法;節儉資源和有效率的使用它;以及管理制度的內部控管。除此之外,規範也指出”任何違犯TI倫理標準的職員將被處以包括口頭的譴責,書面的譴責,檢定或立即的解雇處分。”TI 道德規範委員會,是在1987年成立, 負責監督公司所有道德規範的活動。委員會中有五位高階層的TI經理,他們會檢討,而且認可一些政策,一些程序和發表他們;率先服從政策並且糾察他人;檢討任何主要的倫理議題;而且贊成適當的改正行動。 為了確定公司的職員,能夠了解他們希望遵從的商業道德和道德的標準,TI有三項重要的發表: 標準的政策和程序,TI 對於價值和道德規範的承諾。職員自己也有一本迷你小冊子,裡面寫著”道德規範快速測試”,來幫助他們,在他們對於道德規範上的一些特定情況和行為感到懷疑的時候: 這個行動是合法的嗎? 它符合我們的價值嗎? 如果你做了這個行為,你將覺得它是不好的嗎? 如果它被報紙批露會如何? 如果你知道它是錯誤的,你就不要做它! 如果你不確定,問一問別人。 持續地發問,直到你得到答案為止。 TI 也為員工提供一個免費的電話號碼(1-800-33 道德規範)來使用,你不用說出來電者是誰,只要報告不遵守道德行為的事件或只是提出疑問。 TI 對它的員工承諾的範圍甚至更進一步被證實在他們的計畫中,並且他們支持員工提出下列意見: 對所有的經理(或是各階層的員工)採取"門戶開放"政策 沒有報復,懲罰,差別或困擾 性騷擾教育是必須的 每年需做四十小時的道德規範訓練 教育支持的來源是從外部 晉升到內部 一群人的了解支持 事業使網路開始發展 德克薩斯儀器公司明確地表示它的職員所期待和他們的行為是無法被接受的。 為了要徹底地執行規範,而為了表示道德和負責任的行為,TI 已經採取合理的步驟來保衛它的優良名譽。當這樣的行為標準沒有弄明白的時候,員工有時會以他們在同事的行為觀察和管理上來作為倫理決定的基礎。為了能夠管制員工從事不道德行為的機會,他們運用了獎懲發法來執行規範和政策,並且增加了員工的道德標準接受度組織的規範計畫也必須了解到即使是高階主管,在遵守法規和倫理標準時,仍然會有疏忽。這時候,這些人經常會依據道德準則,來負責管理他們的組織規範和法規
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2005-10-12T12:52
= =...翻譯器翻的就算了吧
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2005-10-14T14:09
Texas Instruments’ Code of Ethics
A large multinational firm, Texas Instruments (TI) manufactures computers, calculators, and other high-technology products. Its code of ethics resembles that of many organizations. It addresses issues relating to policies and procedures; government laws and regulations; relationships with customers, suppliers, and competitors; accepting gifts, travel, and entertainment; political contributions; expense reporting; business payments; conflicts of interest; investing in TI stock; handling proprietary information and trade secrets; using TI employees and assets to perform personal work; relationships with government officials and agencies; and enforcing the code. TI’s code emphasizes that ethical behavior is critical to maintaining long-term success and that each individual is responsible for upholding the integrity of the company:
Our reputation at TI depends upon all of the decisions we make and all the actions we take personally each day. Our values define how we will evaluate our decisions and actions…and how we will conduct our business. We are working in a difficult and demanding, ever-changing business environment. Together we are building a work environment on the foundation of integrity, innovation, and commitment. Together we are moving our company into a new century …one good decision at a time. We are prepared to make the tough decisions or take the critical actions …and do it right. Our high standards have rewarded us with an enviable reputation in today’s marketplace…a reputation of integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. That strong ethical reputation is a vital asset…and each of us shares a personal responsibility to protect, to preserve, and to enhance it. Our reputation is a strong but silent partner in all business relationships. By understanding and applying the values presented on the following pages, each of us con say to ourselves, and to others, “TI is a good company, and one reason is that I am part of it. “Know what’s right. Value what’s right. Do what’s right.
Like most codes of ethics, TI’s requires employees to obey the law. In many instances, however, TI expects its employees to abide by ethical standards that are more demanding than the law. For example, although some local laws permit companies to contribute to political candidates or elected officials, TI’s code states that “no company funds may be used for making political contributions of any kind to any political candidate or holder of any office of any government-national, state or local. This is so even where permitted by local law.” TI also goes beyond the federal law prohibiting discrimination against minorities and expects its employees to treat all fellow workers with dignity and respect: “The hours we spend at work are more satisfying and rewarding when we demonstrate respect for all associates regardless of gender, age, creed, racial background, religion, handicap, national origin, or status in TI’s organization.”
Texas Instruments’ code of ethics is not just lip service paid to social concerns about business ethics; the company enforces the code through audits and disciplinary action where necessary. TI’s corporate internal audit function measures several aspects of business ethics, including compliance with policies, procedures, and regulations; the economical and efficient use of resources; and the internal controls of management systems. In addition, the code states that “any employee who violates TI’s ethical standards is subject to disciplinary action which can include oral reprimand, written reprimand, probation, or immediate termination.” The TI Ethics committee, established in1987, oversees all the activities of the ethics office. The committee consists of five high-level TI managers, who review and approve policy, procedures, and publications; monitor compliance initiatives; review any major ethical issues; and approve appropriate corrective actions.
To ensure that its employees understand the nature of business ethics and the ethical stands they are expected to follow, TI has three key publications: Standard Policies and Procedures, The TI Commitment, and The Value and Ethics of TI. Employees are also provided with a mini-pamphlet containing an “ethics quick test” to help them when they have doubts about the ethics of specific situations and behaviors:
Is the action legal?
Does it comply with our values?
If you do it, will you feel bad?
How will it look in the newspaper?
If you know it’s wrong, don’t do it!
If you’re not sure, ask.
Keep asking until you get an answer.
TI also provides a toll-free number(1-800-33-ETHIC) for employees to call, anonymously,to report incidents of unethical behavior or simply to ask questions.
The extent of TI’s commitment to its employees is further evidenced by the programs and support it offers them:
“Open door” policy for all managers(any level)
No retaliation, retribution, discrimination, or harassment
Required sexual harassment training
Required forty hours of ethics training per year
Educational support form external sources
Promotion from within
Community involvement support
Career development networks
Texas instruments explicitly states what it expects of its employees and what behaviors are unacceptable. By enforcing the codes wholeheartedly, TI has taken logical steps to safeguard its excellent reputation for ethical and responsible behavior. When such standards of behavior are not made explicit, employees sometimes base ethical decisions on their observations of the behavior of peers and management. The use of rewards and punishments to enforce codes and policies enables TI to control the opportunities employees have to behave unethically and to increase employees’ acceptance of ethical standards.
Organizational ethics programs also must have oversight by high-ranking persons known to respect legal and ethical standards. These individuals—often referred to as ethics offers—are responsible for managing their organizations’ ethics and legal
得克薩斯Instruments 道德規範
一家大的跨國商號,得克薩斯儀器(朱蕉)產品計算機,電算機和其他高科技產品。 它的道德規範象很多組織的。 它向政策和程式提出涉及的問題; 政府法律法規; 與用戶,供應者和競爭者的關係; 接受禮物,旅行,以及娛樂; 政治貢獻; 花費報告; 生意支付; 興趣的衝突; 投資朱蕉股票; 處理專賣的訊息和商業機密; 使用朱蕉雇員和資產執行個人工作; 與政府官員和代理的關係; 並且實施代碼。 TI s 代碼強調倫理行為對保持長期的成功是關鍵的,每個人都負責支持公司的正直︰
我們的名聲在朱蕉倚賴我們做的所有決定和我們每天親自採取的全部行動。 我們將怎樣處理我們的生意,我們的價值闡明我們將怎樣評價我們的決定和行動Kand。 我們工作在方面一難並且要求,不斷改變生意環境。 一同我們正在完整,革新和承諾的基礎上建造一種工作環境。 一同我們一次正輸入某位新世紀科恩好決定。 我們準備做激烈的決定或者採取嚴重措施Kand做對。 我們的高的標準已經用在正直,誠實和可信賴的today s賈名聲市場的一個引起嫉妒的名聲獎賞我們。 堅固倫理名聲一至關重要資產Kand的那我們股票每個人保護,維護,並且提升它的一項個人責任。 我們的名聲是一個強壯的但是在全部商務關係裡的隱名合伙人。 透過理解和使用價值在下列頁上提出, 我們中的每個記誦對我們自己說,並且對其它人來說,‥TI是一家好公司,並且一個原因是我是它的一部分。 ‥Know what s 正確。 正確地估價what s。 公平對待what s。
象大多數道德規範一樣,TI s要求雇員服從法律。 在很多實例裡,不過,朱蕉期望它的雇員遵守比法律更要求的倫理標準。 例如, 雖然一些本地法律允許公司有助于政治候選人或者選舉官員, TI s 代碼說明那‥no 公司資金可能用于掙任何種類到國家政府任何的任何辦公室的任何政治候選人或者持有者的政治捐款, 國家或者本地。 甚至被本地法律允許的地方,這如此。 〃朱蕉也超過禁止歧視少數民族的聯邦法律並且期望它的雇員用尊嚴治療全部同事並且尊重︰ ‥The我們在工作時花費的數小時是更使飽和和令人滿意的, 不管性別,年齡,信條,種族背景,宗教,障礙,國籍或者在TI s 組織的地位,我們證明對全部同事的尊重。 〃
得克薩斯Instruments 道德規範不只是支付到社會關心商業道德的口頭贊成; 公司必要的話透過審計和處分實施代碼。 TI s 共同的內部審計功能測量商業道德的幾個方面,包括服從政策,程式和規章; 高效節能的使用資源; 以及管理體制的內部控制。 另外, 代碼說明那個‥any 雇員, 誰違犯TI s 倫理標準以能包括口頭的訓斥的處分為準,寫訓斥,試用,或者立即終止。 〃朱蕉倫理學委員會,建立in1987,監督倫理學辦公室的全部活動。 委員會由評論並且贊成政策,程式和出版物的5 位高級朱蕉經理組成; 監視器服從行動; 評論任何主要的倫理問題; 並且批准適當的調節行動。
為了保證它的雇員理解商業道德的性質和他們預計跟隨的倫理立場,朱蕉有3 種關鍵出版物︰ 標準保單和程式,朱蕉承諾和朱蕉的價值和倫理學。 當他們懷疑具體的情勢和行為的倫理學時,雇員也配有一個袖珍小冊子包含‥ethics 迅速的test〃幫助他們︰
如果你認為it s 錯誤,don t 做它﹗
如果you re不確信,問。
朱蕉也提供一個免費電話號碼(1-800-33 倫理)讓雇員打電話,匿名,報告不合乎道德的行為的事件或者僅僅問問題。
對它的雇員的承諾更進一步被計畫證明並且支持它的TI s的範圍提供他們︰
面向全部經理(任何水準)的‥Open door〃政策
需要40 小時每年訓練的倫理學
得克薩斯儀器明確地說明它對它的雇員期望什麼和什麼行為是不可接受的。 透過全心全意實施代碼,朱蕉已經採取合乎邏輯的措施保護它的倫理和負責任行為的極好的名聲。 當這樣的行為準則沒被弄成明確時,雇員有時把倫理決定建立在他們的貴族和管理的行為的報告上。 使用 實施代碼和政策的報酬和處罰中,使朱蕉能夠控制機會雇員必須表現unethically並且增加employees 接受倫理標準。
機構化的倫理學計畫也必須有透過高級的人知道尊重合法和倫理標準的疏忽。 倫理學提供的稱為的這些個人經常負責管理他們和合法的organizations 倫理學


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By Anonymous
at 2005-10-09T00:00


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By Noah
at 2005-10-09T00:00


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By Ina
at 2005-10-09T00:00


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2005-10-09T00:00


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2005-10-09T00:00
請問 Life politics的意思?