這段英文章節真的翻不出來~求救 - 社會議題

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-11-02T00:00

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這一整段 We know from past research that exposure to stereotypical images can activate stereotypes in people's minds and influence their subsequent behaviour," said Chasteen, an associate professor who researches stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. "That is why efforts such as this one in Ohio are needed to educate people about racist images in an attempt to reduce stereotypical portrayals of minority groups." 如上
大概七十%看懂 單字方面我也都查過 不過有些不知道該怎麼翻 主要還是文法方面的東西在困擾我 另外還有些單字 例如 researches stereotyping, 字典是老套典型的意思 可是這樣翻很不通順 之後的 this is why 到 最後 是一大難題
麻煩高手幫幫忙囉 對了 google或線上翻譯我也都查過了@@ 效果不要太期待 翻譯軟體的東西目前還沒有辦法代替真人!!

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-11-05T21:45
請先參考wiki百科全書對stereotype之定義英文=>A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptionshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype%E4%B8%AD%E... http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%88%BB%E6%9D%BF%E5... associate professor who researches stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination .中的stereotyping也是名詞指的是刻板印象這種舉動
整句就是”一位研究刻板印象.偏見與歧視等行為的助理教授” "That is why efforts such as this one in Ohio are needed to educate people about racist images in an attempt to reduce stereotypical portrayals of minority groups." racist images=>種族形象in an attempt to=>企圖stereotypical portrayals of minority groups=>對少數族群之刻板印象(portrayals也是形象故stereotypical portrayals仍是刻板印象)全譯上句那就是為甚麼要在如位於Ohio的該地須要付出努力,教育群眾認識種族形象,以減少對於少數族群的刻板印象


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-11-04T05:48
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-11-06T03:46

stereotype是刻板印象, 也就是大家對事情的既有的觀感或成見的意思. 所以這段的意思是說, Chasteen 教授說, (他是研究 sterotyping - 刻板印象, prejudice - 偏見, 以及 discrimination - 歧視的教授) 刻板印象會影響人的想法, 以及做法. 所以類似像他們在Ohio做的努力是很有需要的, 他們教育人們減少對少數團體(或弱勢團體) 的刻板印象 (或偏見)


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-11-02T00:00


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-11-02T00:00
今天看到奇摩ㄉ這ㄍ新聞後我想到 如果大家都ㄅ會死 那地球又不會變大
現在世界ㄉ涼時又ㄅ士很充足 那人口一直增加 不就很多人沒地方住 很多�� ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-11-02T00:00


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-11-02T00:00
首先聲明and#34;並非對菩薩眾神不敬and#34;僅是不解疑惑常常瀏覽文章說誠心拜佛最重要,燒甚麼紙錢不重要,那同樣�� ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-11-02T00:00

想請求各位大大一些問題, 是有關於被吊扣駕照之類的問題..
在今年(2011)的9月底, 小弟我因酒駕意外肇事而被吊扣機車駕照, 當時除了我有受傷和對 ...