關於灰狗Will Call - 北美

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-05-25T00:39

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※ [本文轉錄自 WorkanTravel 看板]

作者: ronale (生活吧 像今天是末日一樣) 看板: WorkanTravel
標題: [心得] 關於灰狗Will Call
時間: Sun May 25 00:38:06 2008

之前提過關於Will Call的費用

If you purchase a Will Call ticket over the internet and the cardholder is
traveling there is no Will Call fee.

好像是說持卡人如果同行 就不會有Will Call Fee


另外去網站看了 有以下說明

Will Call tickets allow you to purchase a ticket online and then pick it up
at the counter. If the credit card holder is traveling on the trip, present
the credit card used for purchase, the reference number (displayed after
purchase), and valid photo ID. If the credit card is not presented at the
counter, a fee will apply. A non-refundable fee also applies for Will Call
orders. If the credit card holder is not traveling on the trip, the reference
number and valid photo ID are required to pick up tickets. You also can create
a password for the traveler to use as ID. A non-refundable gift ticket fee is
applied to each Will Call transaction where the credit card holder purchasing
tickets is not traveling on that trip.

基本上寫的也都是"持卡人如果不在場 Will Call就會有一筆費用產生"
所以如果用爸媽的附卡 應該沒有Will Call的錢?

Tags: 北美

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-05-25T23:56
只要信用卡上有印你的名字 和訂票名字一樣即可
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-05-28T17:49
以前will call要錢,大概是太多人抗議,現在不用錢了
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-05-30T10:37
YA!! 謝謝 我的疑問終於解開了


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2008-05-24T21:15
一個女生去這種比較偏僻的地方 比較建議你可以跟團 一來比較不會那麼累 二來也比較安全 而且跟團可以認識其他人, 比較不會那麼無聊 不過最好找外� ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-05-24T12:05
我即將在九月去溫哥華,因為預算關係,只能買需要轉機的機票.  目前定到聯合航空經舊金山轉溫哥華,以及菲律賓航空經馬尼拉到溫哥華,皆尚未 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-05-24T11:46
※ 引述《mimice (letand#39;s go Yankee)》之銘言: : 要從台北飛到底特律,是坐西北航空 NW70 : 上網選位子 : 有看到一個位子是在殘障人士旁的,靠窗,也在�� ...

有人可以提供灰狗coupon codes嗎?

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-05-24T00:29
如題 因為發現要坐到的地點票價好貴 機票已經大失血了o_________0 不知道大家有沒有多餘的coupon codes可以分享呢? 謝謝大家 -- ONLY YOU 能伴我取西經 ONL ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-05-23T19:59
不知道能不在這個版問,不過不行的話我會自D :) 六月到九月我要去美國印第安那州, 當然也要介紹自己的文化 因為是參與一項交流活動, 所以我� ...