馬六甲與檳城喬治市成功成為世界文化遺產! - 馬來西亞

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-07-08T03:33

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Eight new sites, from the Straits of Malacca, to Papua New Guinea and San
Marino, added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List

Monday, July 7, 2008

The World Heritage Committee meeting in Quebec City has added eight new
cultural sites to UNESCO’s World Heritage List on the morning of the 7 of
July. With these inscriptions, Papua New Guinea and San Marino enter the
World Heritage List for the first time.

The new sites inscribed are:

Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca (Malaysia)
have developed over 500 years of trading and cultural exchanges between East
and West in the Straits of Malacca. The influences of Asia and Europe have
endowed the towns with a specific multicultural heritage that is both
tangible and intangible. With its government buildings, churches, squares and
fortifications, Melaka demonstrates the early stages of this history
originating in the 15th-century Malay sultanate and the Portuguese and Dutch
periods beginning in the early 16th century. Featuring residential and
commercial buildings, George Town represents the British era from the end of
the 18th century. The two towns constitute a unique architectural and
cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.

Kuk Early Agricultural Site (Papua New Guinea) consists of 116 ha of swamps
in the southern highlands of New Guinea 1,500 metres above sea-level.
Archaeological excavation has revealed the landscape to be one of wetland
reclamation worked almost continuously for 7,000, and possibly for 10,000
years. It contains well-preserved archaeological remains demonstrating the
technological leap which transformed plant exploitation to agriculture around
6,500 years ago. It is an excellent example of transformation of agricultural
practices over time, from cultivation mounds to draining the wetlands through
the digging of ditches with wooden tools. Kuk is one of the few places in the
world where archaeological evidence suggests independent agricultural
development and changes in agricultural practice over such a long period of

Stari Grad Plain (Croatia) on the Adriatic island of Hvar is a cultural
landscape that has remained practically intact since it was first colonized
by Ionian Greeks from Paros in the 4th century BC. The original agricultural
activity of this fertile plain, mainly centring on grapes and olives, has
been maintained since Greek times to the present. The site is also a natural
reserve. The landscape features ancient stone walls and trims, or small stone
shelters, and bears testimony to the ancient geometrical system of land
division used by the ancient Greeks, the chora which has remained virtually
intact over 24 centuries.

Fortifications of Vauban (France) consists of 13 groups of fortified
buildings and sites along the western, northern and eastern borders of
France. They represent the finest examples of the work of Sébastien Le
Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707), a military engineer of King Louis XIV. The
serial property includes towns built from scratch by Vauban, citadels built
on plains, urban bastion walls, bastion towers and a residence. There are
also mountain forts, sea forts, a mountain battery and two mountain
communication structures. This property is inscribed as bearing witness to
the peak of classic fortifications, typical of western military architecture.
Vauban also played a major role in the history of fortification in Europe and
as far away as the American continent, Russia and East Asia.

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates (Germany). The property consists of six
housing estates that testify to innovative housing policies from 1910 to
1933, especially during the Weimar Republic, when the city of Berlin was
particularly progressive socially, politically and culturally. The property
is an outstanding example of the building reform movement that contributed to
improving housing and living conditions for people with low incomes through
novel approaches to town planning, architecture and garden design. The
estates also provide exceptional examples of new urban and architectural
typologies, featuring fresh design solutions, as well as technical and
aesthetic innovations. Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Walter Gropius were
among the leading architects of these projects which exercised considerable
influence on the development of housing around the world.

Mantua and Sabbioneta, in the Po valley, in the north of Italy, represent two
aspects of Renaissance town planning: Mantua shows the renewal and extension
of an existing city, while 30 km away, Sabbioneta represents the
implementation of the period’s theories about planning the ideal city.
Typically, Mantua’s layout is irregular with regular parts showing different
stages of its growth since the Roman period and includes many medieval
edifices among them an 11th century rotunda and a Baroque theatre.
Sabbioneta, created in the second half of the 16th century under the rule of
one person, Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, can be described as a single-period
city and has a right angle grid layout. Both cities offer exceptional
testimonies to the urban, architectural and artistic realizations of the
Renaissance, linked through the visions and actions of the ruling Gonzaga
family. The two towns are important for the value of their architecture and
for their prominent role in the dissemination of Renaissance culture. The
ideals of the Renaissance, fostered by the Gonzaga family, are present in the
towns’ morphology and architecture.

San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano (San Marino) covers 55 ha,
including Mount Titano and the historic centre of the city which dates back
to the foundation of the republic as a city-state in the 13th century. San
Marino is inscribed as a testimony to the continuity of a free republic since
the Middle Ages. The inscribed city centre includes fortification towers,
walls, gates and bastions, as well as a neo-classical basilica of the 19th
century, 14th and 16th century convents, and the Palazzo Publico of the 19th
century, as well as the 18th century Titano Theatre. The property represents
an historical centre still inhabited and preserving all its institutional
functions. Thanks to its position on top of Mount Titano, it was not affected
by the urban transformations that have occurred from the advent of the
industrial era to today.

The Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area (Slovakia)
inscribed on the World Heritage List consist of two Roman Catholic, three
Protestant and three Greek Orthodox churches built between the 16th and 18th
centuries in small, poor villages in an area formerly known as Upland
Hungary. The property presents good examples of a rich local tradition of
religious architecture, marked by the meeting of Latin and Byzantine
cultures. The edifices exhibit some typological variations in their floor
plans, interior spaces and external appearance due to their respective
religious practices. They bear testimony to the development of major
architectural and artistic trends during the period of construction and to
their interpretation and adaptation to a specific geographical and cultural
context. Interiors are decorated with paintings on the walls and ceilings and
other works of art that enrich the cultural significance of the properties.

During the morning session, the Committee also approved the extension of the
Mountain Railways of India with the inscription of the Kalka Shimla Railway,
a 96km long, single track working rail link built in the mid-19th century to
provide a service to the highland town of Shimla.



All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-07-10T14:29
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-07-12T17:21
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-07-13T23:54
太好了 總于有文化遺產
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-07-16T01:18
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-07-20T04:08
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-07-20T05:35
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-07-21T20:26
Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-07-24T06:54


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-07-07T04:36
如題 好像找不到馬來西亞航空 搭哪家去會比較便宜 - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-07-07T01:56
自由論談 莫辛阿都拉 星洲廣場 2008-07-06 10:52 http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/72938?tid=16 不久前,我聽了這麼一個故事。話說某個由巫裔大人物領軍的州足球會,會里的執事官員 都是印度人,於是,該州足球隊隊員都是印度人,雖然可能會有更適合的他族人 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-07-06T11:03
http://deardicky.890m.com/blog/index.php?load=readandamp;id=51 上面那個電影是新加坡電影,但拍攝是在吉隆坡, 星馬的關係,可能就靠「少和幫」和「青龍幫」連結在一起。 這是一部不錯的電影,歡迎大家可以點閱觀賞。 - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-07-06T00:10
我也是台灣人 常坐airasia, 要出示 護照 驗明身分囉.... 供你參考. ※ 引述《Vivikuo (Vivi)》之銘言: : 請問大家一下 : 我是台灣人 : 到馬來西亞時候從KL搭Airasia到蘭卡威 : 除了護照之外 : 還需要準備什麼文件嗎? : 謝謝大家^^ - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-07-05T23:20
※ [本文轉錄自 Singapore 看板] 作者: GordonBrown (布朗) 看板: Singapore 標題: 金曲獎.. 時間: Sat Jul 5 23:12:35 2008 份量最重的三個獎揭曉中: 最佳製作人: 蔡健雅 最佳男歌手: 曹格 (JFGS大你的最愛) 最佳女歌手 ...