高技術移民家庭居留證快速核准 - 荷蘭

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-06-28T03:59

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但學校聘請的人沒有薪水限制(因為我們就是這樣= =)。




Families of highly skilled immigrants get permits within two weeks

Family members of highly skilled immigrants who join the immigrants
in the Netherlands at a later date can obtain a residence permit
within two weeks, according to a letter submitted to the Dutch
Lower House of Parliament by Justice State Secretary Nebahat Albayrak
on 22 June 2007.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will be aiming to
process the applications of these family members within two weeks,
as is currently already the case for family members accompanying the
highly skilled immigrants. If all the forms are correctly completed
by the immigrants and their family members, the IND’s special knowledge
and labour migration desk will be able to process their permits in time.

Talented young people

Starting in August, the IND will also be aiming to process applications
from foreign nationals who wish to change their (study-related) status
to highly skilled immigrant status within two weeks. This should make
it easier for talented young people to find employment.


Approximately 8,800 highly educated foreign nationals have made use of
the rapid admittance procedure since the special arrangement was
introduced in October 2004. The IND has also made arrangements with
about 2,600 companies and institutes so they can make use of this
procedure. The three most popular sectors for the employment of this
type of immigrants are ICT, industry and scientific education/research.
The top three countries of origin are: India, the United States of America
and Japan.

Special IND desk and webpage

Employers who have enrolled in the IND’s Highly Skilled Immigrant
Programme can employ foreign nationals more quickly. Highly skilled
immigrants are immigrants who come to the Netherlands for employment
and earn a gross salary of at least 46,541 euro, or 34,130 euro if
they are younger than 30 years. They are no longer required to apply
for work permits and their applications for residence permits are
processed by the special IND desk in Rijswijk within two weeks. This
desk quickly and carefully processes the applications from both the
employers and the employees. Employers who are interested can find
the declaration and application forms for highly skilled immigrants
on a special page about highly skilled immigrants.

Tags: 荷蘭

All Comments


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-06-28T03:19
無聊逛大陸的論壇才知道現在荷蘭對外國人居然變得這麼機車, 現在申請MVV必須要先通過荷蘭語的考試才能被批准的樣子。= = 查了GOOGLE知道有專用教材,好像是一張DVD,一本教材書跟一張CD 的樣子,但是價錢好貴= =,所以想請問有沒有人有買那教材? 可以跟我講一下那教材裡的大概內容嗎? (可以的話,我用 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-06-26T17:33
相簿 http://www.pixnet.net/albdir/judyw/1552431 遊記+資料 (阿姆斯特丹的資料較詳細) http://blog.pixnet.net/judyw/category/list/304247 十天的旅行 匆匆忙忙的出門 帶著滿滿的回憶回家 接近20篇的資料跟遊記 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-06-26T17:30
想請問住在荷蘭的好心網友們 我想要買馬桶座, 不是馬桶喔,是放在馬桶上面的一般是白色的那種座墊(塑膠的) 想要買漂亮一點的,有圖案的 我家的馬桶座,不知怎麼了, 固定的螺絲一直會跑掉, 想說乾脆趁機換個新的 可是,找了IKEA,沒看到有在賣 唯一看到有在賣的地方,是一間便宜用品雜貨店(Xensus好像是這樣 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2007-06-26T06:05
※ 引述《elixir39 (蛇麼?)》之銘言: : 找到一家位於IJburg的B&B,但是感覺上離市區滿遠的, : 房東卻又說坐車進AMS市區只要10分鐘, : 很怕check in付清之後才發現交通不便,所以想問問看~ 其實我覺得觀光客住離市區有一段距離的房子不見得差 我人在Bandamp;B Kw ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-06-25T19:21
※ 引述《beardpapa (papa)》之銘言: : 如果持在台灣已經轉換好的國際駕照到荷蘭 : 想要轉換成荷蘭當地的駕照時 : 想請問一下 : 需要另外再經由考試 才能取得 : 還是直接換照就行了呢? : 因為之前有聽說荷蘭政府承認台灣的駕照 : 所以我們到那裡 只要持原本和國際的駕照 : 就可以直接換 ...