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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-05-18T00:00

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Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2006-05-20T17:53
Teacher while having a class emphasize generally and mostly the content of the teaching material and isn't the way that presents, but along with the increase of the technological advance and life level, educated science and technology to gradually change for many years the teacher's education process and way, in the tradition the education the technical term, official policy and public words"education" is often seen make is a social movable category of independence, "computer" is another independent category.But, lend support to in the educational usage along with the computer science and technology up present the good effect, cause these independent category boundaries increasingly disappear, the public usage computer of hour ask with chance the comparison to greatly increase in the daily life the work and rest, and the primary school gets to use the computer and get to the Internet of hour ask to increase gradually also at invisible give the teacher by one's own studies in science and technology with usage educate science and technology and student's double to communicate of pressure.
Because wear science and technology of development, the digital media appearance increasingly presents diversified structure and form, people more and more depend on the digital media to acquire the information and knowledge, similarly, the teacher will also use the digital media to respond the information play to increase, also applying to educate science and technology to inform the information to the student's body, and also may having the same expectation to the student.Digital science and technology has already become the of great account key of teacher's teaching here, the related research data is very not enough currently, so this research draws up to carry on the study to this subject.
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2006-05-19T15:03
It is generally mostly contents of the teaching material instead of the way appearing that the teacher is while giving a lesson emphatically, but with the improvement of the progress of science and technology and living standard, educational science and technology has changed the teacher's education course and way for many years gradually, in traditional education term, official policy and public words, " educating " is often regarded as an independent social activities category, " computer " is another independent category. But display good efficiency on being auxiliary in use that educate with computer science and technology, causing the disappearing day by day of these independent category demarcation lines, the masses use and ask when the computer the proportion is heightened in working and rest in daily life with the chance, and pupil use computer and is it increase too in offer teacher receive a training of and use educational science and technology and student two-way communication not to press oneself in science and technology among being invisible gradually to ask in the net Strength.
because develop science and technology,several media the shapes day by day it demonstrate pluralistic pattern of, several medias of people's more and more reliance come to obtain the information and knowledge, similarly, teacher can use several media is it because of increase in conformity with information severely, use educational science and technology transmit information body to reach student too to come too, and may also have the same expectation to students. Have already become the extremely important key to teacher's teaching in several science and technology here, the relevant research materials are rather insufficient at present, so this research plans to carry on the discussion to this topic.


John avatar
By John
at 2006-05-17T00:00
(1)試圖比較政治學中經驗理論(Empirical Theories)與規範理論(normative Theories)的差別所在(2)並請說明經驗政治理論建構的基本原則為何希望請對政治學領域有� ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2006-05-17T00:00


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2006-05-17T00:00


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2006-05-17T00:00


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-05-17T00:00