麻煩幫我翻成英文,但麻煩不要用軟體翻譯 - 社會議題

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-05-01T00:00

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-05-04T20:08
There are currently recognized by the community on topics related to a number of expositions, but the outlying islands of Penghu residents of the community agree on the issues but rarely described. Islands with Taiwan on the original demand not the same, remote islands in their own lack of resources and material factors, coupled with recent years, the massive population relocation, for various reasons. The purpose of this study was to explore objects in Baisha Township in Penghu County Tuncun as an example.
Main purpose is to the community from the Tuen Mun Park and the overall development of wind power in perspective, the research community in Tuen Mun residents of the park on the participation of wind power and identity. And the community at least 18 years old or more adult residents of the targets, "Baisha Township in Penghu County residents Tunli for community involvement and identification with the questionnaire" as research tools.
The survey of sites in Baisha Township in Penghu County Tuncun the community, using the questionnaire respondents samples by the study group members in the community as a random search for the Study of the respondents object. In the time since the 2007 September 29-October 17 deadline. 130 questionnaires sent, 125 valid questionnaires were in use SPSS statistical software package questionnaire data analysis, the findings have found the following:
2008-05-02 19:46:49 補充:
First, residents of the basic attributes of different background, the identity of the response of the community are also different; residents is the basic attributes of different backgrounds, their recognition of the community level also have differences.
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Second, the residents of the community recognized the dimensions, the "real environment identity" and "sense of belonging" and "social identity" high, and "economic identity" minimum.
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Third, organize and participate in activities, help to enhance community participation, community cohesion residents of the purpose of awareness and increase community identity. But on the status, activities and most of the park without wind power relations.
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According to the research findings that the community residents on community involvement and identification with the situation, most of the high side but the wind power and sense of identification with the low participation in the park.
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This study is based on empirical data analysis for relevant government departments units, the Taiwan Power Company and the Community Development Association made the following recommendations:
2008-05-02 19:48:56 補充:
Next, the Taiwan Power Company and the relevant administrative departments of the recommendations
First, Taipower should take the initiative to participate in community activities, rather than a negative cash.
2008-05-02 19:49:06 補充:
Second, the Taiwan Power Company can provide work opportunities for community residents in Tuen Mun.
Third, Taipower should be held in Tuen wind park on the positive education speech, thus improving the community for power generation in Tuen Mun Park identity.
2008-05-02 19:49:19 補充:
2 for the community and the recommendations of the relevant industry
First, the development of windmill style Bed and breakfast, so that visitors can not only look at windmills to live Bed and breakfast.
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Second, wind power generation in Tuen Mun Park and Tuen Mun in the overall environment of a community.
Third, the combination of Tuen local specialty, and create a tourist orchards so that visitors experience the rural scenery of Penghu.
2008-05-02 19:49:40 補充:
Senate and the recommendations of the community
First, strengthen the community in Tuen Mun residents of the community understand the depth of culture.
Second, in view of the needs of residents of Tuen community, in various forms of exchanges.
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Si, the follow-up on the recommendations
First, the scope of the study could be expanded so that wind power generation park in Tuen other neighbouring communities have opportunities to participate.
2008-05-02 19:50:10 補充:
Second, integration and community development units, and research to create a community environment in Tuen the possibility of deployment.
2008-05-02 19:50:20 補充:
Third, to promote the park in Tuen power generation and environmental landscape of the overall planning.


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-05-01T00:00


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-05-01T00:00
1.請問一下,燃燒廢五金廢電纜所產生的物質是否包含碳氫化合物?2.是包含哪一些碳氫化合物?3.其化合物是否對 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-05-01T00:00
冰山在融化-地球的危機問題-(請大家幫忙)冰山融化+臭氧曾破洞=連鎖反應加速溫室效應地球的溫度一年比一年高專 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-05-01T00:00
各位專家好我從4/14早上睡醒就開始暈眩想吐去看西醫耳鼻喉科想確認是否為中耳不平衡當天晚上身體酸痛隔天就�� ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-05-01T00:00
多年前聽人說過.早有人已發明起動及煞俥才用電.運轉中不耗電的馬達.但卻被政府限制住不能發表.若屬實.在油價� ...