being用法 - 社會議題

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-07-13T00:00

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Society is understandably concerned about the issues surrounding body image and eating disorders, and the dangerous and unrealistic messages being sent to young women via fashion journals.
想請問第1句中 issues surrounding body image and eating disorders
用surrounding 是指issues圍繞在body image and eating disorders上嗎 為什麼不是用被圍繞
而第2句 being sent..... 是形容詞片語嗎 這樣第2句不就沒動詞了嗎

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-07-15T02:37
>>想請問第1句中 issues surrounding body image and eating disorders
用surrounding 是指issues圍繞在body image and eating disorders上嗎 為什麼不是用被圍繞
body image 身體形象 = A; eating disorders 飲食不正常 = B
issues surrounding A and B = 圍繞在 A (身體形象 )和 B (飲食不正常)的相關議題。 這是看句意可以判斷的。如果反過來,變成 A 和 B 圍繞和它們相關的議題,顯然就本末倒置。
>>而第2句 being sent..... 是形容詞片語嗎
這也要看句子的意思。可以判斷是形容詞片語。但是必須知道句型是有兩個受詞,而這個片語修飾 the dangerous and unrealistic messages,是 concerned about 的第二個受詞.
Society is understandably concerned about the issues surrounding body image and eating disorders, and the dangerous and unrealistic messages being sent to young women via fashion journals.
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-07-14T02:35
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-07-17T23:54
Society is understandably concerned about the issues surrounding body image and eating disorders, and the dangerous and unrealistic messages being sent to young women via fashion journals.
Society is understandably concerned about the issues (which surround) body
image and eating disorders, and the dangerous and unrealistic messages
(which are sent) to young women via fashion journals.
>>which surround>>省略成surrounding
>>which are sent>> 省略成being sent
>>>還有surround此字你可以用involve, associate with(去想多查字典對你比較有幫助)
以下出自Collins Dict
The circumstances, feelings, or ideas which surround something are those that are closely associated with it.
e.g. The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it...
>>>關於第二句,about 後面全部都是受詞,而非第二句沒有動詞


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-07-12T00:00


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-07-12T00:00


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-07-12T00:00
有規劃要存臍帶血以備萬一目前爬過一些資料,感覺各有優點,害我不知道怎麼比了:(而且存臍帶血也是一筆費用....� ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-07-12T00:00


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2013-07-12T00:00
我想考營養師請問大家嘉南藥理的保健營養畢業後可以考嗎???我報考試夜間部and#39;二技保健營養系,聽別人說過要� ...