EB2 interview 材料 - 移民

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-06-01T12:51

Table of Contents

有人寫信問我 所以我大概寫一下

1. Original Appointment Letter.
2. Passport, most recent I-94 document, and driver's license.
3. Evidence of Maintenance of Status: all previously issued immigration
documents. I-797, I-20, EAD/AP cards, approval notice for I-140 petition,
approval/receipt notices for your I-485, I-765, and I-131 applications, etc.
4. Original birth certificate
5. Original marriage/divorce certificates
6. Evidence of Education/Experience: original diplomas, degrees, university
transcripts, experience letters. (main applicant)
7. Evidence of Current Employment. Paystubs for the last two months and
original updated employment confirmation letter(1. printed on employer
letterhead, 2 verifying job title, 3 current rate of pay, 4 number of hours
worked each week)
8. Recent W-2 form and fderal income tax return
9. Originals of any criminal charging related documents.
10. Complete copy of I-485 Application.
11. Medical exam: I-693
12. Documents for dependents: 1 original Marriage Certificate, 2 original
birth certificates of children, 3 evidence of co-habitation: bank
statements, credit card statements, joint cell phone statement,
home ownership, lease agreement, health insurance coverage,
tax return filing

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2019-06-05T16:41


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-05-31T11:35
目前申請綠卡歸化公民 去年年中提出申請,指紋已經蓋了 九月開始每個月都會收到一封email說沒有進度請耐心等候 已經要一年了,還是沒有進度,有點frustrated 請問這是常態嗎?有人近期申請的進度也這麼慢嗎? 除了耐心等待,還有什麼是可以做的? 謝謝分享 - ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-05-31T09:39
就容我簡短一點吧 perm file 2018/2 perm approval 2018/05 140 + 485 file 2018/10 140 approval 2018/10 fingerprint 2018/11 combo card 2019/3 (非主申請人) green card inter ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-05-31T08:50
最近在跑485出生證明的rfe,有個問題想請教版友 有人是附上:英文版的戶政事務所的and#34;出生登記申請書and#34;和and#34;出生證明書and#34;嗎? 會出現這個問題是因為,戶政事務所的出生證明上面沒有名字,早期都是只有一張名字 的貼紙在後面的出生證明填表說明上面。戶所阿姨跟我說要 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2019-05-30T18:06
※ 引述《amiajoke (LittleBu)》之銘言: : 我是1990出生在美國的,當時家人並沒有辦理SSN : 一直以來工作的薪轉戶都是郵局所以一直沒有覺得有什麼不便 : 但是現在面臨即將換工作到金融業,有行儲問題,因此一定必須開新的戶頭 : 查詢發現2017年底AIT就已經不協助辦理SSN相關手續 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2019-05-30T12:16
目前我先生美國公民,CR1已經在4月時上傳完DS260,4月底審核結果通知出生證明要重新 上傳,他的訊息是 taiwan requires more than one birth certificate document. please delete any ta iwan birth certificate ...