Good News On Global Warming - 生態環境討論

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2003-05-18T23:26

Table of Contents

1. Global Warming on the Hot Seat

Recently, U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Joseph
Lieberman (D-CT) included their Climate Stewardship
Act (S. 139) in the U.S. Energy Bill. This groundbreaking
Legislation, which *requires* cuts in U.S. emissions of
the heat-trapping gasses that cause global warming could be
the turning point in a fight against global warming. However,
President Bush, who has a lot of supporters in Congress, is
aggressively pushing a voluntary-only cuts in global warming
pollution from power plants.

Unfortunately, often the federal government is slow to take
action to promote positive environmental change. In the
meantime, there is a great deal that we all can do to help
mitigate global warming at the local level. Contact your state
governor and support strong & effective global warming
prevention policies at the state level. Sign this free
petition today and help keep global warming in the hot seat!

2. Global Warming Hits Seals and Polar Bears
Shrinking Arctic ice caps are threatening arctic animals.
Polar bears find it harder to find the food as icebergs, their
"highways" to a seal food supply, shrink away, or as ice
that normally forms fails to appear. The giant white bears
need the ice to gain access to ringed and barbed seals
which live and play away from land among the ice bergs,
yet the ice is breaking up two weeks earlier than normal
these days, and polar bears are on average between 176
and 187 pounds lighter. Scientists believe it is because
they cannot find food. Every day of ice hunting is critical,
as the bears must hunt to build enough fat to last through
the forced 5 month fast during winter.

Unseasonable warming can also lead to collapses of the snow
caves where female seals bear their young. The young as
yet have no blubber and die of exposure when cold
conditions return. Scientists suspect that declines in seal
populations will occur in this manner, and will ultimately
lead to further declines in polar bear populations.

3. Eco-Tips:
Global warming is a problem that we all contribute to...
consequently, we can all make small changes in our lifestyle
to help reduce the threat of global warming! I think saving
polar bears is worth it, do you?

* Don't purchase/drive cars with low gas mileage. Personal
Transportation on America's highways is one of the biggest
Contributors to greenhouse gases. When you can carpool or take
Public transportation.

* Don't miss your auto tune-ups. All cars run better, and more
efficiently when they are well maintained. It could save you
money at the gas pump AND reduce greenhouse gases.

* Recycle, recycle, recycle. Buy recycled paper products and
don't forget to recycle yourself. Deforestation contributes
even more to the accumulation of greenhouse gases. The more
trees we can save, the more polar bears and baby seals
we can save!

4. Inspirational Quote:
"Let man heal the hurt places and revere whatever is still
miraculously pristine"
- David R. Brower

少吹冷氣 少吃肉 少騎車 節省用電
Love on Nature, mother of all.

Ptt生態保育版 版名: Ecophilia
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All Comments


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2003-05-18T16:40
※ 引述《essi (我幹嘛要當貓奴?)》之銘言: : 我想問題的癥結點在於動物園經營的方法與目的. : 你在這邊將心態和目的兩著併在一起...這是我不能理解的地方... : 就你的文中看來, 你自己已經有指出以公益心態來經營是會造成賠錢的情形. : 但又強調以公益目的來經營不一定會陪錢... ...

Re: 可以推薦書嗎?

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2003-05-18T15:57
※ 引述《HM (我的快樂只為你)》之銘言: : 恩........想找[環境科學概論]的書...... : 不可穢言的是為了考試而想看 : 可是想想也覺得很想多瞭解.... : 只是不太清楚有沒有什麼推薦呢? : 最好是中文版:P當然..如果英文的...............也可以啦^^;; : 非常謝謝 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2003-05-18T15:55
※ 引述《HeyYoNigga (Oceana human)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《essi (我幹嘛要當貓奴?)》之銘言: : : 如果照你的標準來說, 世界上沒有一個動物園能達到動物5權,即便是英保護動物 : : 協會. 另外, 有一點觀念你搞錯了, 將動物明星化在世界各地都是同樣的方式 : : ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2003-05-18T15:37
※ 引述《greta (一起加油!!)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《essi (我幹嘛要當貓奴?)》之銘言: : : 我知道這兩者的差別, 我所要說的是有些國營動物園其成效不見得比 : : 法人性質來得差... : 政府也是法人阿... : 只要不是自然人 想要履行義務享有權利 就必須取得法人 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2003-05-18T15:07
※ 引述《essi (我幹嘛要當貓奴?)》之銘言: : 我知道這兩者的差別, 我所要說的是有些國營動物園其成效不見得比 : 法人性質來得差... 政府也是法人阿... 只要不是自然人 想要履行義務享有權利 就必須取得法人資格 不過我知道妳要說的重點就是了 : 那你可以舉一個是在作公 ...