Japan quake magnitude raised to 9.0 (NHK) - 地球科學討論

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-03-13T12:48

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Japan quake magnitude raised to 9.0

Japan's Meteorological Agency says the magnitude of Friday's earthquake that
hit the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan was 9.0 instead of 8.8 as earlier

The agency made the correction on Sunday morning after analyzing seismic
waves and other data. The magnitude is equivalent to that of the 2004
earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia, which triggered massive tsunamis in the
Indian Ocean.

mThe agency says the focal zone of Friday's quake was about 500-kilometers
long and 200-kilometers wide. Destructive movement along the fault continued
for more than 5 minutes.

The Meteorological Agency says only 4 other quakes in the world have recorded
magnitudes of 9 or over.

The largest was the magnitude 9.5 quake that hit the Chilean coast in 1960,
killing more than 1,600. The quake also triggered tsunamis in Japan, leaving
142 people dead.

The 2004 quake off Sumatra registered a magnitude of 9.1. Subsequent giant
tsunamis killed more than 200,000 people.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 12:40 +0900 (JST)


All Comments


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-03-13T11:15
請問板上專業人士 為什麼地震規模會一直修正? 這次311日本大地震 7.9 andgt; 8.8 andgt; 8.4 andgt; 8.9 andgt; 8.8 andgt; 9.0 - ...

Re: 日本超級地震發生前 電視台預警畫面

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-03-13T10:48
氣象局地震中心目前正式編制大約50人 加上助理跟研發替代役大約70人 這70人需負責維護700座強震站(包含其中約100座速報站) 1百多座GPS測站 6座地下水站 30幾座寬頻地震測站 70座短週期地震站 還有幾座地磁站 另外還有資料處理、系統整合研發、行政作業、設備升級擴充及例行即時監測作業等 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-03-13T01:05
借用標題~ 福衛二號影像: (需Google Earth) http://gemdas.earth.ncku.edu.tw/ Sentinel Asia 亞洲災害監測組織: (Web-GIS) https://sentinel.tksc.jaxa.jp/sentinel2/webGISControl.ac ...

Re: 日本超級地震發生前 電視台預警畫面

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-03-13T00:43
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1DUsBP47 ] 作者: CREA (桔梗) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [爆卦] 日本超級地震發生前 電視台預警畫面 時間: Sat Mar 12 20:11:01 2011 ※ 引述《smartanko (誰能比我寬)》之銘言: : 不 ...

日本超級地震發生前 電視台預警畫面

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-03-13T00:43
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1DUr1A4A ] 作者: smartanko (誰能比我寬) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [爆卦] 日本超級地震發生前 電視台預警畫面 時間: Sat Mar 12 18:51:48 2011 不知道有沒有op 這三個NHK實況影片充分展現了日 ...