Orphan Chimpanzees in Crisis - 生態環境討論

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2003-06-13T09:04

Table of Contents

We urgently need your help.

In the Republic of Congo, where the Jane Goodall Institute cares for
orphan chimpanzees who’ve lost their mothers forever to poachers, we
are facing a crisis. Every few weeks, it seems, the Congo authorities
hand over another chimpanzee to our caretakers at the sanctuary.
Usually these poor infant chimps are malnourished, injured, or sick
– sometimes they’re so gaunt their ribs protrude or they’ve lost
their hair. Always, they are traumatized.

They can regain their health at the sanctuary, but it has a limited
holding capacity. With each new arrival, we come closer to the day
when we’ll have to turn away a frightened young chimp. And then we
will have to turn away another, and then another.

These orphans cannot survive in the wild – imagine leaving a two-year
-old human child alone in a big city and expecting it to survive.

Since 1992 the Tchimpounga Sanctuary has been a refuge for these victims
of the illegal, commercial bushmeat trade. The chimps at Tchimpounga
sleep in spacious enclosures and have large areas of secured forest and
grasslands to roam by day. As they explore the natural habitat together,
they develop the social skills necessary for their well-being.

Unfortunately, the sanctuary is designed to house 80 chimpanzees. Today,
it houses 115. In fact, the sanctuary has seen a 20 percent increase in
its population just in the last year.

To avoid compromising our quality of care, we desperately need to expand
Tchimpounga’s facilities. We must build another infant dormitory and
erect new solar-powered fencing to enlarge the forest enclosure. For
these projects, we’re seeking your financial help. We hope to raise
$125,000 in the coming weeks. Every gift, even small ones, will help us
reach this goal.

I want to share one more point with you about Tchimpounga. Even as we
operate a sanctuary, we’re working to end the violent, illegal trade
that makes it necessary. In the communities outside the sanctuary, we
conduct awareness campaigns about the problems of eating primates
(which include disease transmission), and about the importance of
conservation and biodiversity to all of us. We also are implementing
JGI’s “community-centered conservation” approach – based on our
TACARE program in Tanzania, which is funded by the European Union and
is in its ninth year. This approach means we’ll be helping to develop
sustainable livelihoods in the villages, while providing services in
education and health care.

I hope you will help us with our immediate needs at Tchimpounga.
Your assistance will make such a difference for these young chimpanzees
across all those miles, these amazing creatures who had such a tragic
start to their lives.

I hope you find it in your heart to help.

Thank you for being a part of JGI’s global community of concerned individuals.


Jane Goodall

If you'd like to help, please click here.

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