UNforTaiwan外國人看不懂的話,那這句呢? - 社會議題

James avatar
By James
at 2007-10-18T00:00

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the right of the UN: the return of the ROC
照著「the Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King」改的。
Hi! Chiatec,
The fact is that the name of the Country is the ROC, whither you want to deny it or not. Have you ever had a fight with the people from mainland China? I have done it when the classmates from mainland China said, “Taiwan is a part of China.”
2 個已更新項目:
Then I smashed my pen on their table and rebuked them, “Taiwan is an independent country and the name of the country is the Republic of China!”
For me, as long as the law hasn't changed the name of my Country is ROC not Taiwan, although I just simply to introduce myself: “I am from Taiwan.”
3 個已更新項目:
Because it is the easiest way for them to understand (if I say “the ROC”, I will have to explain a lot of things), but it doesn't mean that I reject the ROC.
4 個已更新項目:
I don't think since DPP in power they have done something good for Taiwan… but make Taiwan weaker and weaker. If this is the way they “love” Taiwan…. then I think I have never understand what “LOVE”is .
5 個已更新項目:
To 007
不過謝局長可以把UN for Taiwan 說成是 the UN membership for Taiwan 的意思?那我是不是也可以說 the right of the UN 是 the right choice of the UN?
6 個已更新項目:
不過 the return of the ROC 得確有您說的那種感覺(我不會硬ㄠ...像謝局長一樣...)在WIKI裡面有這一段 "fought for the return of Taiwan to Chinese rule" 所以的確有可能讓人誤解。
the UN needs Taiwan, let the ROC back!

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-10-19T14:45
首先聲明,以下的回答絕對不涉及個人政治立場,只就目前執政黨用 Taiwan for UN (台灣入聯)這句話的英譯的妥當性,發表個人意見。
嚴格的說 Taiwan for UN 這個片語(不是一個句子),的確很難讓西方讀者聯想到含有「台灣想要被核准加入聯合國」的意思。主要的問題出在這個 for 字,放在Taiwan 和 UN 之間,語意太含糊。
Taiwan joins UN 台灣加入聯合國,雖然只有三個字,卻是一個完整的句子。這句話訴求的對象應該是台灣同胞自己,而非國際社會。
Accept Taiwan, UN!這是一個倒裝句型態的完整句子,意思是「聯合國,接納台灣吧!」,訴求的對象是在聯合國中有投票權的會員國。
至於 the right of the UN: the return of the ROC 直接翻譯的話意思是「中華民國的重返,是聯合國的權利」,沒有「台灣入聯」的意涵在內。
2007-10-18 23:45:46 補充:
the UN needs Taiwan, let the ROC back! 這句話只有懂得台灣複雜政治情況的人才懂其意義。
可是從西方讀者觀點,既然聯合國需要 Taiwan, 為什麼要讓 另外一個叫做 ROC 的國家回來呢? 如果要闡明 Taiwan 與 ROC的關係,建議改成這樣:
Taiwan is ROC, Accept Her Return to UN.
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-10-20T09:10
其實U.N.前面只要加上冠詞應該都看的懂,不加冠詞,UN的縮寫詞有可能會讓人聯想到其他意思,像UN可能等於Unacademic Notion 或 United Naked等等
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-10-21T00:21
而且一點都不會聯想到是從 the Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King 改的
the right of the UN
the return of the ROC
return 的解釋太多了
歸還...(物品. 土地). 重返.....(地方)
所以這句標語無法聯想到是 ROC重返聯合國
但如果又把ROC寫成Republic of China 更是被誤解為中國
the right of the UN: the return of the ROC 會被解釋為
聯合國的權利: 把ROC歸還回去
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-10-21T18:40
I think the point is to be TAIWAN, not ROC, since that's the name we used when we were kicked out back in the days. We want to get in as a new guy "Taiwan."
2007-10-19 12:00:27 補充:
Hi, Sula54!
To be clear, "the point" is the point from whom ever came up with "UN for Taiwan", not MY point. Their "the point" is that ROC is China, but PRC is China, and UN will not allow two Chinas.


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