不好意思請幫幫忙中翻英以下這篇...20點 - 社會議題

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-06-11T00:00

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Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-06-13T17:49
A lot of adults do not think that he or she is student's thought because it is made to think, and the student likes idea really because it describes and he or she tightens showing opposition only to putting out nothing but for the hair ..student.. to think ..beautiful.. and forbidding, putting out in fact, the limitation of student's who forbids it only of no externals, and the own idea of the student somehow or other. may only the teacher or the elderBecause one's no introducing oneself as a democratic nation aiming at the world it as for eyes expects the student to offer ..multi.. former opinion because the idea of the student or the opinion hopes for certain only one kind of, it does for the direction of the progress of society. Therefore, it is not yet one true, democratic nation to elect only to prohibit the existence of the problem and not to represent the failure of the education of Taiwan, and to have represented Taiwan in addition.
In fact, it was possible to say remained when putting out the nation that really forbade it clarified it now and only North Korea and Taiwan remained. It is saved for Pyongyang regime to use the reason of this .."The water resource is saved".., for the man in "Strong proposal" the whole country to put out, and not to exceed five centimeters, the woman has the shoulder not exceeded, and to exceed it, government doesn't have what punished for the person who disobeys about them ..any...
2007-06-11 19:14:38 補充:
In addition, a middle school in Taiwan will be seen later, and 99 is exceeded.
2007-06-11 19:15:16 補充:
People..junior high school..expression..put out..regulations..a lot..school..all..regulations..schoolboy..crew cut..woman student..ear..arrange..regulations..against..warn..remember..extreme..arrive..partially..school..student..airplane..glide
2007-06-11 19:15:35 補充:
slope..push..provide..food..negligent..lamplight..do..finish..cut..by all means..yield.The regulations of the high school cannot do the burn however ..so much severely.. ....
2007-06-11 19:15:45 補充:
by being not able to hold the eyebrow it that can provide (It is) ..food.. as for raising by still pushing the hair, and dyeing it.
2007-06-11 19:16:10 補充:
Person..in some measure..provide..hear..North Korea..whole country..people..hair..manage..Taiwan..without
2007-06-11 19:16:24 補充:
reservation..student..hair..how..bring..compare.I answer: Even the nation of the monopoly of the power of communism be will make to the nation that introduces oneself as one main freedman and compares or or 1 sad ..reeling.. thing with a too not severe royal road.
2007-06-11 19:16:35 補充:
In addition, putting out the punishment of the student who attaches to disobedience and forbids it still : Taiwan with the saucer in the much more in more awful North Korea.
2007-06-11 19:16:46 補充:
Therefore, it is thought that I am an agenda democratic whether it nothing but thinks of a beautiful discussion because what should forbid the problem, jump, and take off the great number of people is put out, and one is free.


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-06-11T00:00
現在生活中的食品、物品似乎都要注意是不是對身體有害但我對於這樣的訊息不是很清楚,所以想要增加這些資訊 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-06-11T00:00
例如我現在有一台電視是用延長線接的電源而延長線上有開關可以控制電源如果我直接從延長線的電源把電視的電 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2007-06-11T00:00
我居住的房間牆壁上偶爾會出現幾隻小小的蟲很小很小咖啡色的比螞蟻還要小如果不注意會以為是灰塵以前最長看 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2007-06-11T00:00
不銹鋼氧化皮酸洗.如用噴洗方式可嗎? 要噴多久時間?何種酸洗液配方較好?


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-11T00:00
名詞解釋:臨界點蝴蝶效應絕對溫度簡答:至少有一題以指定格式回答:[發現問題]、[確定問題]、[分析問 ...