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Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-04-11T00:00

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The opinions of school principals, based on their branches, about physical education teachers’ level of compliance with professional ethics codes in the dimension of respect were found to be different. The opinions of the school principals coming from social sciences were different from the opinions of those coming from sciences and profession lessons. The school principals coming from social sciences thought that physical education teachers followed professional ethics codes in the dimension of respect at lower levels when compared to school principals coming from sciences and profession lessons. The school principals coming from social sciences may have higher expectations about the point of respect by the effect of their branch.

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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2008-04-12T11:31
The opinions of school principals, based on their branches, about physical education teachers’ level of compliance with professional ethics codes in the dimension of respect were found to be different.

The opinions of the school principals coming from social sciences were different from the opinions of those coming from sciences and profession lessons.

The school principals coming from social sciences thought that physical education teachers followed professional ethics codes in the dimension of respect at lower levels when compared to school principals coming from sciences and profession lessons.

The school principals coming from social sciences may have higher expectations about the point of respect by the effect of their branch.
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-04-11T19:12
校長觀點, 根據他們的分支, 關於體育老師的遵照專業道德代碼在維度尊敬平實被發現不同的。校長的觀點來自社會科學是與那些的觀點不同來自科學和行業教訓。校長來自社會科學認為, 體育老師跟隨了專業道德代碼在維度尊敬在更低的水平當與校長比較來自科學和行業教訓。校長來自社會科學也許有更高的期望關於問題的尊敬由他們的分支的作用。


William avatar
By William
at 2008-04-10T00:00
真的好煩惱‥我有參考很多行程了‥可是目前還是不知道該怎麼規劃‥我們大概有6個人‥7/26從高雄出發的‥ �� ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-04-10T00:00
請問有誰知道任何~慈善團體、環保團體~在5.6月份有任何and#34;環保議題and#34;的活動。請告訴我機關團體名稱、電�� ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-04-10T00:00
違反道路交通安全規則94條1項肇事致人受傷(輕傷)請問這個會怎樣?我是收到紅單~然後他左上角有勾說~須至 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-04-10T00:00
我個人是有找到可是我家的電腦很奇怪我下載來怎麼案就是開不起來不管我用什麼檔案都是開不起來所以麻煩好心 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-04-10T00:00