中文翻英文,請幫我翻譯這段文章!20點唷! - 家暴

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-04-26T00:00

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Tags: 家暴

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Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-04-29T04:35
Yesterday when I got to my school, I found that my teacher lay on the stairs and sobbed. So I tapped her on the shoulder, asking“Are you OK, miss X? are you sick?”She turned her face back, which scared me. I saw many bruises on her face. Asking her, I knew that she was a victim of the domestic violence, and she had been hit by her husband.

Then my teacher stated what had happened to her. She said“In fact, I 've had an unhappy marriage with my husband. Due to sluggish economics recently, my husband was laid off, resulting the heavy economic burden with a house loan and credit-card debt in our family .It had continued for almost half a year.Until thase days, he began to alcohol-abuse. As long as he was drunk, he hit me, which persisted for a long time. Soon afterward, I was diagnosed to be a melancholiac, needing to receive cure of drugs. Last night I got home, finding that my husband was excessively drinking again. He smashed furniture, and he also banged on my body. I couldn't stand his violence anymore, so I ran up to my room with the door locked. This morning, I escaped to school before he woke up on the sofa”.
Listening to her stories, I took my teacher to have some medication in our school health center .But later she made me go to class instead of helping her.
Two weeks later, I heard from my classmates that my teacher committed suicide by taking excess sleeping pills. She was staying in the hospital for observation. That time I hurried to the hospital with a bunch of flowers. As soon as she saw me, she hugged me tightly cried out, complain everyting bad about her husband.Talking with me, she decided to let it go and made her mind getting devorced with her husband. After another half-year, I saw her face with bright smiles instead of shading tears.
2009-04-28 21:25:44 補充:
Yesterday when I got to my school 這句的 my 去除
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-04-28T05:06
At yesterday as I reached the school, I found my teacher lay on the ladder, sobed in a low voice. I pat teacher's shoulder to inquire: ' the teacher, are you still fine? Uncomfortable? ' when teacher's face rotated over, I gave a start, there is a lot of blue and green silt on the face, just found under my inquiry a teacher was hit by her husband, stuck out by the family.
The teacher begins to narrate the process, ' actually I have an unpleasant marriage with my husband, because of the economic depression recently, my husband is reduced the staff, family's financial burden is heavy, there are housing loan, card debt. In quick half a year continuously, until recently, my husband begins to get drunk, will be to my trick in opposite directions after being drunk. This kind of situation has been sustained for a long time, later I went to see a psychologist, after the doctor examined definitely, confirm I have got melancholia, need to accept medication. I came back home at yesterday, found my husband began to get drunk again, began to break the furniture, cuff and kick me, I can not stand running back to the room to lock the door, until the morning, my husband falls asleep on the sofa, I go to the school quickly. ' process to listen to teacher, I take teacher health care room plaster medicine, inquire, want, help Mr. needn't ask me go to the classroom to have a class quickly while saying later.
Two weeks later, I learn, the teacher takes sleeping pill and commits suicide from classmate's mouth, observe in the hospital in hospital now. I am burning with anxiety, hold flowers, go to the hospital to visit a patient, the teacher sees me, hold me and is choked with tears, all sorts of of husbands are not to begin to narrate her, dilate through some. The teacher is forgotten, decide to divorce her husband. After half a year, I see the teacher is not sad, but the face is permeated with the happy smile.


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-04-25T00:00
4月18日吃完外公的壽宴準備回家(父親有喝醉,當日不肯酒測),在回家路上我準備先繞去載老婆下班,父親堅持要我載她先回家但被我� ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-04-24T00:00
我有一個朋友他的老公會推打她.剛開始我朋友都覺得自己很愛他.就隱忍下來並替男方找藉口來安慰自己.直到最近男方越來越過份.甚至會用言語或是更� ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-04-23T00:00
我� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-04-22T00:00
我父親從監� ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-04-22T00:00
因為某些因素, 我的戶籍在台北縣, 三個小孩的戶籍在苗栗縣, 請問該在哪個縣市申請低收入戶? 需要什麼條件?(我和先生因家暴分居, 但未離婚, 而三個小 ...