中翻英prostitution(英文) - 社會議題

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-12-08T00:00

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自己寫的一篇稿子 明天要用到 但是英文程度不好沒辦法全然的表達出來
有大大能幫我 中翻英的嗎 感謝
prostitution是一個非常有爭議並且有趣的議題 我想在這的各位都是站在反對方面的立場 來看這一件事情
但是我卻有不一樣的想法 因為我覺得每個人都有選擇權
選擇自己想要的生活方式 沒有人想一生下來就去做下賤的工作
也沒有人想當窮人 但是很多時候是因為環境所造成的
也有人為了名牌衣服 包包而賣淫
雖然他們同樣都是為了錢 但是目的卻有所不同
畢竟賣淫這件事情 不偷不搶不騙 也沒有妨礙到他人
中國有句話是這麼說的 一個願打 一個願挨 誰也怪不了誰
first of all 各位反對賣淫的人是否有想過
1. If there are more disadvantages in legalizing prostitution, then why do most developed countries make it legal?
2.假如設置Red-Light District 的話 就能讓有身體需求的人花點錢解決這方面問題
說不定還能因此降低一些社會方面的問題 例如女性遭到騷擾 強暴 方面的問題
3.如果沒有需求方面的問題 怎麼還會有供需呢? 可見一味的禁止是錯誤的
所以我找了一篇影片給各位看 讓各位了解 當你在思考一件事情的時候
不應該為反而反 而應該站在另一方的角度來思考問題
別用google翻譯回答我拉 = = 不然我自己來就可以了阿

All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-12-11T02:40
Have greatly help me thank you in turn British
prostitution is a very controversial and interesting topic, I would like all of you are standing in opposition to aspects standpoint this thing
But I think there is not the same because I think everyone has the right to choose
Choose their own way of life and no one wants to think born to do degrading work
No one wants to be poor, but a lot of times because the environment caused by
For example, some student loans, and also to travel abroad to study and the choice of prostitution
It was also for designer clothes bags and prostitution
Although they are the same for the money but the purpose is different
So I can not say that prostitution is a totally wrong thing
After all, prostitution this thing do not steal or rob not lie nor hinder others
Chinese have a saying is to say one is willing to make a wish to suffer who can not blame anyone
first of all you people who are opposed to prostitution have thought
1. If there are more disadvantages in legalizing prostitution, then why do most developed countries make it legal?
2 If the set Red-Light District, then you can let people with physical needs to spend money to solve the problems in this area
So might even reduce the number of social issues such as women being raped aspects of the problem of harassment
3 If there is no problem there will be demand for the supply and demand aspects of how it? Visible blindly ban is wrong
Should use a legitimate way to solve
So I am looking for a movie to make you understand you see when you're thinking about one thing
To the contrary, but should not be standing on the other point of view to consider the issue
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-12-11T18:11
擔心過完年肥一圈?窈窕就選純天然草本! 『減重專家推薦』 郭佳穎真實見證請進 請搜尋『金善美』萬人使用成功見證留言版http://ppt.cc/gcQz2
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-12-10T10:07
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-12-08T14:57
還是要去 http://aaashops.com/ 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡!
James avatar
By James
at 2013-12-09T05:25
Prostitution itself, while interesting, is quite controversial. I think people here have an opposing view on this issue. However, I have a different thought. People are born to have the right to choose the life they want to live.
2013-12-09 03:30:50 補充:
Certainly, no one wants to do the degrading jobs on her own initiative just like no one wants to be poor. They are doing such things because of the environment.


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