作者是贊成還是反對此篇文章 - 社會議題

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-05-02T00:00

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The author holds the opinion that public figures-celebrities and politicians-should not express opinions about things that they have not personally experienced or been directly affected by. In my view, such an opinion is not only unrealistic but also undesirable. It is human nature to have opinions, and because of the unique influencing abilities of public figures, having them voice a position is a good form of advocacy to reach a broad audience.
It should come as no surprise that people have opinions, and it is unrealistic to say that pubic figures should not express them. People have opinions about all sorts of things, even things that they have not personally experienced. For example, even though most people do not have experience of running a business, they all have opinions about how business should be run and what their obligations to society are. People hold opinions about other things-the environment, politics, and sports-that they have no experience of, yet advocate and argue about on a daily basis. Thus, to say that public figures should avoid acting on natural human tendencies is utterly unrealistic.
Furthermore, public figures are in a unique position in that they are in the public eye, constantly covered by the media. Because they have broad reach, having public figures express opinions is an effective way for a message to be spread. Countless times have we seen a celebrity or politician advocate for a certain position or endorse a certain product. Having public figures express opinions increases the speed that messages are spread. In addition, public endorsements also increase the persuasiveness of that message. For example, even though Bill Gates has no experience in environmental issues, if he were to take a certain stand on air pollution, such a position would be very persuasive and influential.
In conclusion, the author's position is not only unrealistic but also undesirable. If common people are prone to have and express opinions about everything, it will be unrealistic to expect celebrities not to follow their natural impulses.
Update 2:
In addition, because of the unique position that celebrities are to spread messages, public figures and celebrities are the optimal way to reach the broadest audience with the least effort.
Update 3:
Therefore, a rejection of having public figures express opinions should not automatically be accepted as a good idea.

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-05-04T20:26
我到希望這篇是你擷取部份 若有全文是最好
我看文章通常會去第1段去找本文的靈魂THESIS STATEMENT
並由比爾蓋茲為例 以非本行專業人士但是在其他領域佼佼者所做出的意見 做出對意見影響倡導之矛盾 作為本篇之鋪陳
不知道這跟現今台灣在選前選後 無論媒體曝光率高的藝人或是學術界教授可否上電視評論有關
妳的題目不錯 可作為辯論的好議題 這也是寫作的好argue 題材


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Iris avatar
By Iris
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我大概一個禮拜前有發燒..燒了3天~已經退了!變成了重感冒~耳鳴~很咳~多痰~咳的氣管很痛~之後拉肚子拉了今天第4� ...


Hamiltion avatar
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