全球暖化相關新聞 - 暖化

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-02-01T00:00

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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-02-05T23:23
全球暖化北極熊難覓食 瀕臨絕種
日期:2008/01/29 08:28 蘇瑜棻
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-02-01T22:53
Global warmness melt polar bear difficult look for food   on the verge of become extinct
Date: 2008/01/29 08:28 su yu fen
Receive global warmness melt affection, arctic's sea ice at decrease, polar bear look for food more and more difficult, scientist bring up warning, warmness melt problem if have no ameliorate, polar bear may ten year in gradually die away at several.
little polar bear, helplessness field belly in snow field, ta de mother at nearby place, because anesthetic but move can not, according to research scientist do de, bears plus a step a step make for extremity, but polar bear's biggest natural enemy, exactly global warmness melt.
greenhouse effect let arctic's superficial air temperature, between then ascend 4 in 50, sea ice decrease 9% in a, arctic's ursine hunt's time too more and more little。host: "sea ice each anticipate one zhou broken open in 10, polar bear little one week, hunts for ta Men most will love de ring lines seal. "
hunt seal, be polar bear maintain exist the chiefest style, ta Men will can along sea ice walk, discover again use paw break up sea ice after seal, drag seal come up, sea ice year by year decrease, too let polar bear face hungry die crisis。Wild zoologist: "sea ice if real completely disappearance, polar bear can become extinct. "
listen rise equivalent to far away forecast, but is polar bear, at face de cruel reality; if can not rescue these on the verge of become extinct de after animal, we then can only wait for artificial protective environment in at zoo, see polar bear's silhouette.

全球暖化最後世界會變怎樣呢? 謝謝

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-02-01T00:00
我們的雨林不斷消逝當中,臭氧層也破洞了,這些會使暖化效應更加速吧?所以中國的大寒災也是暖化引起的嗎? ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-01-31T00:00


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-01-30T00:00
大家都知道地球正在暖化,但是今年卻是名副其實的寒冬,很多地方開始下打雪,尤其是中國各大城市,下著半世紀來�� ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-01-30T00:00
日前看到此紀錄片~消瘦的北極熊,游到岸邊無力的趴著的那一幕,讓我感到非常震驚,依據聯合國統計司資料,全球二氧化碳10大元兇依序為美國、中 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-01-29T00:00
(1)就是題目是一段句子要你一定要當第一段.然後要你繼續接著寫下去.要怎麼寫才寫的好呢(2)我這次碰到的題目不� ...