幫我翻成英文,很急 - 社會議題

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-10-19T00:00

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Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-10-19T03:03
After reading this article, I have a great feeling, no matter in what country is all there is a racial issue, particularly in the minority or on the Advancement of Colored People.
Their work or lack of education are to such an extent that led to many social problems. None of these problems and poverty are closely related. Because they are poor, the sick do not have the money to see a doctor because they are poor we had to be better education.
Many of the resulting social problems, crime or drug addiction, and so on.
This is a weak national tragedy, but also to live in the 21st century, we must address the issue. Any person regardless of his nation, needs to be treated fairly, we have the same right to live in this world. World peace is not a slogan, we must practice the belief.
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-10-23T15:13
After reading off this article, I have the very big feelings, no matter which country, has the race problem, especially on national minority or non-white race. Their work or the education are quite deficient, grows many social questions. These questions actually and are closely linked poorly. Because poor, fell ill did not have the money to go see a doctor, because poor, therefore did not have the means to receive a better education. Produces many social questions, the crimes or slurp narcotics and so on. This is the weak trend nationality's sorrow, but this actually is also the life the subject which must face up to the 21st century's we. How no matter any person his skin color, does need by the fair treatment, we to have the same right to subsistence on this Earth. World peace is not a slogan, is faith which must practice.
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-10-20T14:26
After reads off this article, I have the very big feelings, no matter which country is in, all has the race problem, especially on national minority or non-white race.
Their work or the education quite is all deficient, grows many social questions.These questions actually all and are closely linked poorly.
Because poor, fell ill did not have the money to go see a doctor, because poor therefore did not have the means to receive a better education.
Produces many social questions, the crime or slurps narcotics and so on.
This is the weak trend nationality's sorrow, but this also is actually the life the subject which must face up to in 21st century we.
How no matter any person his skin color, all does need by the fair treatment, we to have the same right to subsistence on this Earth.
World peace is not a slogan, is faith which must practice.


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-10-19T00:00
想請問一下丙級廢棄物証照考出來後對以後有什麼幫助?對畢業後找工作有什麼幫助?乙級呢?如果直接考乙級可 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2008-10-19T00:00
問題一:雖然追問是哲學的基本功夫 ,但有一些哲學家並誤想追問到過於遙遠的地方,只想深入地追問,這種追問往往是想揭示事物的現象背後隱藏的本 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-10-19T00:00
請各位推薦災難紀錄片要給小二看的希望不要太長或血腥大約是土石流或是水災...等等的紀錄片不是電影喔在學校 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-10-19T00:00
請問聯勤第三地區支援指揮部支援隊汽駕兵都在做啥事~志願役如果從鶯歌後校要到補給庫等撥交會去哪等要待多�� ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-10-19T00:00
今天突然想到一件事一直困惑著我但我覺得一定要想出一個答案才行因為誰都不能保證這種事在未來不會發生誰能 ...