幫我翻譯這些英文題目..英文翻成中文就可..不用答案 - 社會議題

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-09-14T00:00

Table of Contents

幫我把這些題目翻成中文的 ..
很急 ..
1. The percention of Taiwan is much smaller than that of mainland China.
2. There seems to be something wrong with the telephone connection. I can't make a phone call.
3. The teacher told us that we could find the information we needed in the library ontheInternet.
4. According to media reports, a big typhoon is moving very quickly toward Taiwan.
5. People are expecting their government to deal with the problem of rising oil prices.
6. E-mail is a popular way for modern people to communicate with friends.
7. As a secretary, Joan has to translation English letters into Chinese for her boss.
8. Cherry didn't go to the movie with her friends. She stayed with her younger brother instead.
9. International aid began flowing into the country immediately after the earthquake.
10. Global warming is a major cause of rising temperatures around the world.
11. More than eighty percent of the students in this university live in dormitories.
12. The professor showed us how to begin doing scientific research.
13. Children usually have more imagination than adults.
14. Born into a poor family, Nancy didn't receive a good education.
15. Due to his interest in literature, John has made up his mind to be a novelist in the future.
題目是蠻多的 ..
但是拜託各位大大 .. 能快就快 .. 10點奉上 ~

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-09-14T11:11
1. The percention(應為「perception」)of Taiwan is much smaller than that of mainland China.
2. 電話連線似乎有些毛病;我就無法打電話了。
3. 老師告訴我們可以在圖書館,線上找尋我們所需的資料。
4. 根據媒體報導:一個大型颱風正迅速地朝台灣移動。
5. 人們都在期盼他們的政府,處理油價攀升的問題。
6. 電子郵件對於現代化的人們跟友人溝通,是項受歡迎的方式。
7. 身為秘書,喬安必須替她老闆,將英文信件譯成中文。
8. 雀莉並沒有跟她朋友去看電影;相反地,她跟她年幼的弟弟待在一塊兒。
9. 在地震之後,國際間的救援就開始迅速地湧進該國。
10. 「全球暖化」正是全世界溫度上升的主因。
11. 這所大學中,超過百分之八十的學生住宿舍。
12. 教授向我們展示如何開始從事科學研究。
13. 孩童通常比起成人,擁有更多的想像力。
14. 出生在貧窮的家庭,南西並未曾受過良好的教育。
15. 約翰因著他對文學的興趣,便已經下定決心,在未來要成為小說家。
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-09-18T14:14
1. The percention of Taiwan is much smaller than that of mainland China.
這題好像有打錯字 percention => perception 對嗎???
台灣人的洞察力(認知;想法) 不如中國大陸人來得宏觀(有遠見)
2. There seems to be something wrong with the telephone connection. I can't make a phone call.
3. The teacher told us that we could find the information we needed in the library ontheInternet.
老師告訴我們 我們可以在網路圖書館找到我們所需要的資料。
4. According to media reports, a big typhoon is moving very quickly toward Taiwan.
5. People are expecting their government to deal with the problem of rising oil prices.
6. E-mail is a popular way for modern people to communicate with friends.
E-mail 是一種人們普遍(喜愛)用來和朋友溝通的方式。
7. As a secretary, Joan has to translation English letters into Chinese for her boss.
8. Cherry didn't go to the movie with her friends. She stayed with her younger brother instead.
9. International aid began flowing into the country immediately after the earthquake.
10. Global warming is a major cause of rising temperatures around the world.
11. More than eighty percent of the students in this university live in dormitories.
12. The professor showed us how to begin doing scientific research.
13. Children usually have more imagination than adults.
14. Born into a poor family, Nancy didn't receive a good education.
15. Due to his interest in literature, John has made up his mind to be a novelist in the future.


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-09-14T00:00
七月時到新竹醫院檢查肌瘤已長到7.2公分;八月中旬再去檢查時又長大了0.2公分:心裡很慌不知如何是好?如果開刀� ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-09-14T00:00
雖然她們說的消� ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-09-14T00:00


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-09-14T00:00
以燕麥片為例,有健康食品認證標誌的商品一定比沒有認證的好嗎?看市面上有些燕麥片其實成份大同小異,甚至有些 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2009-09-14T00:00
3.� ...