幾題簡單英文問題?請用5到6句回答(急) - 社會議題

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-04-13T00:00

Table of Contents

1.Are you loyal to a specific? Why? Why not?
2.In your opinion ,what makes a good advertisement? Please give examples to support your ideas?
3.The products are endorsed by celebrities in advertising. Do you think this kind of advertising is effective to promote sales?
4.Which features you want to emphasize in the advertisement of a sports car?
5.Which one of the four companies in case study of unit 5 is the most potential and the worthiest to be invested.

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-04-16T17:03
i don't think dealing with specifics in an early stage of advertisement is a good approach. setting out the main idea and target group should be more important. As long as there is a general advertising
direction, then details can be generated based on it. Specifics are
subject to change in relation to the main idea.
我不認為 在廣告初期就開始想細節是個好的開始
把大的方向 和觀眾羣決定好是比較重要的 只要有一個好的想法
細節自然會延伸出來. 細節要以大方向來做調整
A good advertisement should definitely touch people, and they should
make a strong impression on the audience. It doesn't have to be
complicated and sophisticated, but it has to able to grab the audience.
So that when they see something that's related to the ad, they can
relate that to the product. ex. polar bear and coca-cola.
一個好的廣告 必須打動人心 史觀眾留下深刻的印象
廣告不需要複雜深入 但要能抓得住觀眾
讓他們以後看到什麼和廣告相關的事物. 就會想到那個產品
像是 北極熊 和可口可樂
Since our economy is not very good right now, I dont think it would
be the best choice to spend money on celebs to promote sales.
Celebrities definitely attracts certain group of people, and they help to
estabelish the product. Yet, for a general public, i think they would
rather want something that's down to earth, someone they can relate
to. That's not definitely not glamorous celebreties.
基於經濟下滑的緣故 我不認為花錢請名人來促進買氣是最好的方法. 名人當然吸引了某些族群 也給產品帶來知名度
但是 我認為整體的社會大眾 會想要很實在的東西. 讓他們認為和自己相關的. 那當然就不會是名人了
I think it is important to stay on the trend. The green movement
is surely the hot topic right now. Therefore, i think for sports cars, it
would be a great idea to focus on the eco-friendly aspect on the ad.
Show people how much energy/money they would save while gaining
exellent speed and stylish style at the same time.
我認為 跟上潮流是很重要的. 環保議題現在正是當紅. 所以我認為 以跑車廣告而言 若是能集中在環保上面 會是很好的主意
告訴觀眾們 他們會省多少能源/ 金錢 同時也獲得了速度和美觀
5.Which one of the four companies in case study of unit 5 is the most potential and the worthiest to be invested.
2008-04-20 15:46:01 補充:
*第五題 不曉得有哪四家公司 和做了什麼個案學習
所以無法回答... =..=
*希望有幫到你喽~ ="]


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-04-13T00:00
我們公司才7個人~就有5個人抽煙~平常抽煙的人都會跑到最前面窗戶打開的地方抽~但是坐在最後面的我~還是會聞到 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-04-13T00:00
優勢 劣勢 機會 威脅
6.龍柏無尾� ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-04-13T00:00
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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-04-13T00:00
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Regina avatar
By Regina
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