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Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-04-08T00:00

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At the time of his death in 2000, Charles M. Schulz’s work appeared in over 2,300 newspapers. He had published more than 1400 books and his talent had earned him many awards throughout his 50-year career. What was it that Schulz did to earn him so much recognition around the world? He created the beloved comic strip, ”Peanuts”.
Who can forget such characters as Charlie Brown and Snoopy? It was one of the first comic strips with more than two or three characters. Each Peanuts character brought special humor and insignt to life. His comic strip dealt in psychology, social commentary and humor. What made it special was that all these issues were dealt with from a child’s viewpoint. “There is a market for innocence,” said Schulz.
A self-confident person is one that knows he will succeed. A conceited person is one that doesn’t know if he will succeed, but acts as if he does. Conceited people try to make it look like they are better than other people. They constantly let everyone around them know that are the best. On the other hand, the truly self-confident person doesn’t have to show off or advertise himself. He knows people will accept him for what he is, not for what he seems to be. Because of this, he does not often talk about how good he is. On the contrary, he waits for the opportunity to put his skills to the test. That’s when he shows just how good he really is.
Conceited people want to be accepted by everybody else. They mistakenly think that people will accept them if they look better than others. So they don’t admit when somebody else has done something good. If conceited people admit that someone is better, they must admit that they aren’t perfect. This makes them do what they do. They are not truly confident in themselves. They make up for this by showing off. Therefore, the difference between a self-confident person and a conceited one is that the latter has no self-confidence.

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2006-04-11T12:18
2006-04-08 16:39:37 補充:
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2006-04-09T05:00
2000 年在他的死亡之時, 查爾斯M 。 Schulz 的工作出現完全成功2,300 張報紙。 他超過出版了1400 本書和他的天分贏得了他許多褒獎在他的50 年事業過程中。什麼是這那Schulz 做非常贏得他認識在世界? 他創造了心愛的漫畫, "花生" 。
誰可能忘記如此字符像Charlie ・布朗和Snoopy? 它是第一漫畫的當中一個以超過二個或三個字符。各個花生字符帶來了特別幽默和insignt 給生活。 他的漫畫成交在心理學方面, 社會評論和幽默。 什麼做了特別是, 所有這些問題應付了從兒童的觀點。 "有一個市場為無罪,"Schulz 說。
一個自信人是一個知道他將成功。 一個自負的人是一個不知道如果他將成功, 但行動好像他。 自負的人民設法做它神色如他們比人民好。他們經常告訴大家在他們附近是最佳。 另一方面, 真實地自信人不必須顯示或給做廣告。 他知道人們將接納他為是什麼他, 不是為什麼他似乎是。 因此, 他經常不談論多麼好他是。 相反, 他等機會投入他的技能對測試。 那是他顯示多麼好他真正地是。
自負的人想要由大家認可。 他們錯誤地認為, 人們將接納他們如果他們看更好比其他人。 不如此他們承認他人做了好事。 如果自負人們承認, 某人是更好, 他們必須承認, 他們不是完善。 這使他們做什麼他們。 他們對他們自己真實地不是確信的。 他們補償這由顯示。 所以, 區別在一個自信人和一自負一個之間是, 後者沒有自信。


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By Cara
at 2006-04-07T00:00


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