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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-01-08T00:00

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TheChacaltaya ski area in Bolivia used to be the highest in the world.Although it was less than a kilometer long, it hosted international skicompetitions.Today the snow has almost gone, and so have Chacaltaya's days as apopular ski resort.
The ski area sits upon a small mountainglacier, which was already getting smaller when the ski area opened in 1939. Inthe past ten years, however, the glacier has been melting at an increased rate.As the glacier melts, dark rocks beneath it are uncovered. The sun then heatsthe rocks, causing faster melting. Despite attempts to make snow with snowmachines, this cycle seems unstoppable in the long run.As experts debate how to solve the globalwarming problem, ice in mountains such as Chcacltaya and near the North ang South Ploes is melting faster than even the mostpessimistic environmentalists may have once feared. Rising air and seatemperatures are two well-known causes,but researchers have recently discoveredother unexpected processes that take place as glaciers melt. The effects are havingan impact on humans even now, and they could change the face of the world inthe future.The glaciers of the Himalayas and the Andes could disappear in this century. As a result, themillions of people in India , Bolivia , and Peru who nowdepend on melting water from mountain glaciers could find themselves in acritical situation. The ice sheet of Greenland is also melting more quickly than scientists predicted. Greenland 'slargest outlet glacier, the Jacobshavn Isbra glacier, is moving toward the seatwice as fast as it was in 1995. One cause could be meltwater that runs down tothe bottom of the glacier and gets between the ice and the rock below. Thiswater makes it easier for the glacier to slide along to the ocean.

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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-01-08T19:54

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-01-10T21:02
The Chacaltaya ski area in Bolivia used to be the highest in the world.
Although it was less than a kilometer long, it hosted international skicompetitions.
Today the snow has almost gone, and so have Chacaltaya's days as a popular ski resort.
The ski area sits upon a small mountain glacier, which was already getting smaller when the ski area opened in 1939.
In the past ten years, however, the glacier has been melting at an increased rate.在過去的十年中,然而,這做冰河融化的速度一直在上升。
As the glacier melts, dark rocks beneath it are uncovered.
The sun then heats the rocks, causing faster melting.
Despite attempts to make snow with snowmachines, this cycle seems unstoppable in the long run.儘管試著用降雪機製造雪,這樣的長時間循環似乎不會停止了。
As experts debate how to solve the global warming problem, ice in mountains such as Chacaltaya and near the North and South Ploes is melting faster than even the most pessimistic environmentalists may have once feared.
Rising air and sea temperatures are two well-known causes,but researchers have recently discovered other unexpected processes that take place as glaciers melt.
The effects are having an impact on humans even now, and they could change the face of the world in the future.現今,這些因素正衝擊著人類,在未來,這股力量將可使地球改變面貌。
The glaciers of the Himalayas and the Andes could disappear in this century.
As a result, the millions of people in India , Bolivia , and Peru who now depend on melting water from mountain glaciers could find themselves in a critical situation.
The ice sheet of Greenland is also melting more quickly than scientists predicted.
2012-01-09 11:27:46 補充:
字數超過 補充在這裡
Greenland 's largest outlet glacier, the Jacobshavn Isbra glacier, is moving toward the sea twice as fast as it was in 1995.
格陵蘭最大的冰河來源,Jacobshavn Isbra冰河,正以比1995年時來的快兩倍的速度往海的方向移動。
2012-01-09 11:27:59 補充:
One cause could be melt water that runs down to the bottom of the glacier and gets between the ice and the rock below.
This water makes it easier for the glacier to slide along to the ocean.
2012-01-09 11:28:51 補充:
呼~一句一句翻的 好累XDD雖然看起來還是很像網路翻譯器翻的>"<
你那個Jacobshavn Isbra可能有打錯,念起來怪怪的,翻不出來。


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