昨晚在CHINA TOWN 遇到 can you do me … - 紐澳

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-10-18T18:31

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※ 引述《jamesinjames (小海豚)》之銘言:
: In the begging, please allow me to use poor English to type, mainly
^^^^^^^^^^ did u mean 'beginning?'
: because I want to improve my English more.
: Yesterday after finish the long day blue mountain, the Janpeness friend and I
: decide to went to the China town to find something interesting and something
decided to go
: of the living supple, I want to but the port portter and my Janpeness
^^^^^^^^^^^^^?? ^ where's your verb??
: friend want to but the ear pick, so we start to have a adventure in the China
^^^ did u mean 'buy'? started an
: Town... and finally I found my meat and he also find his ear pick,
^^^^^^^ ur meat@@!! found
: and jsut find a Chinese restaurant to have a meal, then we jsut walk on the
found walked
(ur sentence is too long..too many commas..hoo)
: street which located on the cross of Geroge St and poolreiver St...
^is (or omit which+is)
: when wejsut ask someone about how to get to the China town...
asked ^^^deleted
: there are two pretty women, with the brown hair and pretty smile
were ^^^delete smiles
: looks like the local Australia girl, and they just ask me:
looked ^^^delete asked
: Excuse me, can you do me a favor ? ...
: During that moment I had been one day long walk ... and that sounds like
sorry i cant get your point.... sounded
: want to borrowed money or something cheat, defraud...
: so I jsut directly say...maybe not... and go away she still stand there and
said went ^(.) stood
: say WHY ? ...
: After I came back I feel sorry to act so cold to people, maybe I should
: tell them to request the police... but during that moment I am so tired
: So I just reject, but I still very curious aboout ... what kinds of help
rejected them (+ object) about ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: are they looking for help ? Does anyone have meet this situation ?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
just revise it .. double verb. or you can say
'Has anyone met this situ. before?'


竟然變成認真魔人了= =
語意還有太長的句子 文章結構我都沒有改了

ㄟ斗 板主改文章就這麼一次了阿



Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-10-19T19:27
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-10-22T20:47
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-10-23T02:53
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-10-27T18:38
版大真好人..推一下,另外建議原PO 把高中英文文法拿出來
複習一下, 幫助會很大
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-11-01T18:02
David avatar
By David
at 2009-11-04T17:14
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-11-07T15:37
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-11-11T21:52
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-11-14T05:55
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-11-14T12:33
版主是好人~ (本來還以為早早就會有英文魔人出來改了^^")
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-11-16T04:05
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-11-19T03:00
高手.. 我沒有耐性這樣幫別人改 因為我的英文也很爛XDDD
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-11-23T14:55
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-11-27T01:20

昨晚在CHINA TOWN 遇到 can you do me a favor ?

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-10-18T12:35
In the begging, please allow me to use poor English to type, mainly because I want to improve my English more. Yesterday after finish the long day blue mountain, the Janpeness friend and I decide t ...

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Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2009-10-17T13:23
想問問看不知道有沒有 用union card 可以打九折 希望來板上徵求看看 .....希望有好心人 可以出借卡片 最近想買兩本書 買下來覺得好貴 心痛.. --


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-10-17T08:32
我在黃金海岸!!! 雖然好像慢慢有夏天的感覺了, 可是我的皮膚還是超乾!!!! 手還會乾到裂開流血之類的....囧 有沒有可以推薦擦全身的乳液阿? 想說要 ...

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-10-16T09:22
哈囉~~大家好! 在Perth的旅遊愛好者有福囉! 想去世界各地繼續豐富你的人生~絕對不能少了lonely planet~ 絕對是全新包裝,最新版本! 不論你是誰~都有六折優� ...

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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-10-15T11:32
最近想種些花草美化前院, 其他的香草植物都買到了還缺七里香,請問Brisbane哪家園藝店可以買的到呢? 謝謝~ --