<緊急>徵求英文達人翻譯文章(中翻英)----贈20點 - 社會議題

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-06-13T00:00

Table of Contents

本研究由罕見疾患及其家庭觀點切入,探究(Explore)其家庭壓力、因應策略與社會支持。早期文獻(literature)著重患者本身的「疾病障礙」(disease bar)及「需求」(need),爾後焦點轉移至主要照顧者--母親調適及心路歷程,最近社會福利、法令等人民權益才稍微受到重視,由於相關研究不多,雖然媒體(mass media)的報導曾引起大眾關切,因不了解而有疑慮,容易將罕見疾患等同於身心障礙者(Handicapped Patients),而忽略患者與照顧者的真正需求。
本研究採取質性研究(quality)之半結構訪談,選取高雄市的21個罕見疾患家庭,包含患者(Patients)、主要照顧者(Primary caregiver)或其他家庭成員35人。研究目的旨在瞭解罕見疾患的家庭壓力與因應策略,並詮釋(interpret)其適應歷程的深層意義,罕見疾患家庭壓力與因應策略,研究結果歸納臚列如下。
一、正向之調適:運用合理化(rationalization or to rationalize)或是補償作用(compensation )的詮釋減輕焦慮程度,立即付諸行動積極解決問題,或重新調整、降低期待,並透過參與活動或運動來增強自我,轉移注意力。
Rare disorders、family stress、Coping Strategies、social support、special education
1.罕見疾患 Rare Disorders Patients
2. 情緒性支持 emotional support
3. 工具性支持(instrumental support)
4. 訊息支持(informational support)
5. 調適或適應 accommodation

All Comments

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2006-06-14T08:55
This research attempts to explore factors such as strains of the family, coping strategies and social support on patients of rare disorders and their families. Early literature tends to focus on variables such as disease bar, needs of the patients and lately, the adaptive behavior and the psychological status of the primary caregiver – the mothers. It was not until recently had their importance been given attention in public welfare and legislation. Although issues like these had once drawn the public’s concern from reports of the mass media, people tend to ignore the real needs of the patients and their families due to lack of understanding. This is because research related to these topics had not been adequately explored, and people easily mistaken patients of rare disorders for handicapped patients.
This research adopts a qualitative, semi-structured interview. Samples comprise of 35 people extracted from 21 families of the patients of rare disorders in the Gaoxiong City. This includes the patients, the primary caregivers and other members of the family. The aim of the research is to understand factors such as stress of the family and the coping strategies and hence interpret the course of their psychological and behavioral adaptations.
The factors of family stress and the subsequent coping strategies are summarized below:
(A) Family stress
1.There are five contributors to family stress, namely, patient care, the family, society, treatment and education. Among which, patient care is the most strongly experienced source of strain that the family endure, due to gradually deterioration of the patient’s bodily functions and physique. (放不下了 剩下的在補充意見裡)
2006-06-15 03:35:11 補充:
2.The effect of ascription from the primary caregiver plays a vital role in influencing the degree of assistance and admittance in members of the family, toward the patient, and hence affects the level of felt strains.
2006-06-15 03:36:13 補充:
3.Variables such as negative interpersonal interaction, low public exposure, social comparison and socially-expected gender identity also exert their influence on the level of stress felt by families of rare disorder patients.
2006-06-15 03:37:25 補充:
4.The way that medical diagnosis is given also contributes to the family’s level of pressure. Humanitarian measures should be taken in medical treatment and during the confrontation with the family
2006-06-15 03:38:04 補充:
5.The inadequate public facilities and social policies for psychologically or physically hindered individuals in our country deserve further development. Moreover, the attitude of educators also provides sources of social support for inflicted families.
2006-06-15 03:39:20 補充:
(B) Coping strategies
1.Positive accommodation
Techniques such as rationalization or compensation may be adopted to alleviate the patients and their families’ stress level. Other techniques include, actively engage in solving the problem, lower one’s expectation,
2006-06-15 03:40:56 補充:
and participate in community service to increase level of confidence and to distract the attention.
2.Negative accommodation
Patients or families who adopt the belief of fatalism tend to ascribe the sickness as one’s destiny and evade into pessimisticness
2006-06-15 03:42:16 補充:
that no actions may be taken to change the status quo. Therefore, they live in a self-evident cycle of negative mentality.
3.Social support
There are three types of social support, namely, emotional support, instrumental support and informational support,
2006-06-15 03:50:44 補充:
with emotional support exerts the greatest influence.All of which possess elements of emphatic understanding and the needs of assistance.The results of the research indicate that the load of a rare disorder patient exceeds his or her family’s capacity to endure.
2006-06-15 03:52:58 補充:
This research attempts to summarize the major research outcomes of stress levels and the course of accommodation in rare disorder patients and their families in an effort to raise public awareness,to encourage further improvement in social welfare and related interventions from the government,
2006-06-15 03:57:31 補充:
接補充的最後一段 and to provide appropriate and quality assistance.Moreover,this may also help the families to function properly.From a humanitarian stance,it is hoped that this research may break the ice and help introduce the issue to the public
2006-06-16 02:25:40 補充:
(接回答中的補充意見 2006-06-15 3:57)(全文的最後一句) so as to obtain sensible rights for the inflicted of our society.
不好意思 這樣分段放 希望你的眼睛沒有花掉 @-@~~


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2006-06-12T00:00
7/6~7/11想去澎湖旅遊,四個人三天兩夜不知道怎麼安排才可以玩的盡興愉快,可以給些建議嗎?還有機位或是住宿嗎??�� ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-06-12T00:00


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2006-06-12T00:00
我在第一天手上長了一些斑~不以為意...第2天嚇死了~竟然擴散!!第3天更多..而且怪的是..只有左手臂有長~去看醫生� ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-06-12T00:00


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2006-06-12T00:00
這是指一樣的� ...