聖誕打工 - 紐澳

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-12-16T19:49

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想說找份短工打打 不知道大家有沒有什麼情報

便宜也沒關係 就幾天而已加減做吧 :)

已經用seek careerone找過 沒想到出乎意料地少



Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-12-16T23:23
現在coles, wooly, Kmart, DJ 之類都給citizen或PR優先
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-12-18T05:18
聽說現在到聖誕節 工廠、糖果或巧克力會需要包裝工
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-12-20T19:47
工廠一般要透過agency 糖果或巧克力要直接到店裡問
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-12-25T10:42

Brisbane West End 三房短期出租(有照片)

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-12-16T19:45
West End two floor house for short-term rent (3 rooms) 2 single room for $140/a week each $230 for the master room including internet(160G) , gas, water share electricity 7/1/10 to 20/2/10 add m ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-12-16T19:20
不好意思 又要麻煩各位大大了 先祝大家聖誕節快樂@@ 最近在忙翻譯自己的畢業證書和成績單 不知道在線上的各位有沒有人有所經驗 想請問一下�� ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-12-16T17:01
我已經計畫好行程也租好車了 但是剛剛從旅行社公司拿到相關資料後 我注意到租車那邊 他說即使有國際駕照 還要連同本國駕照一同出示 但是我駕照放 ...

Clayton一大房出租(5mins to Monash)

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-12-16T08:40
! Fantastic Room Near Monash (Clayton) ! (1)Brand new 3-bedroom townhouse at Clayton Rd,5 mins walk to Monash! (2)Only 2 ppl share one bathroom,toilet and fridge. (3)Refurnished house with the Cen ...

布里斯本 Sunnybank Hills 大套房

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-12-16T08:22
Sunnybank Hills Pineland Master Room, close to EVERYTHING!! 大套房出租 套房包括 獨自衛浴及大陽台!!! 照片請點網址 http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=lazyfionaandamp; ...