英文演講稿急~~ - 社會議題

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-10-20T00:00

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以Energy conservation is the responsibility of every individual in the world
為題 演講兩分鐘左右的長度

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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-10-21T15:52
Energy conservation is the responsibility of every individual in the world
為題 演講兩分鐘左右的長度
ladies and gentlemen ;
Speaking of energy conservation, although I have no idea,
. it's important for us that my mother have even told me.
She said as it reminded me, as follows;
Energy conservation in our daily life should follow the principle. . Whether water or electricity, should try to make savings. If people do not save, then our energy will be depleted,
. showing that energy conservation is important to us.
There are many ways to save energy, for example:
1, my mother bought food, clothes, water can be used to water
. the flowers that the flower garden and save water.
2. Washing water. Can be used to flush the toilet, . so do not let us waste too much water.
3. To see the water was still dripping faucet,
. we can easily close it off,. it will not go to waste a drop of water.
4. Less blowing fans and air-conditioning,
. multi-blowing nature of wind.
5. Run out of things.
. The recovery units can be recycled give treatment,. can be recycled, but also into the recycle bin processing, . so as to eliminate our nature, garbage.
From the above five points of view,
. energy conservation is not the work of a few people,
. but everyone's responsibility,. that we have to save electricity and water were,. in order to not waste resources, reducing it in nature, . we should wanting to help should be shared
That are the better of the tomorrow we have.

她說, 使我想起, 如下;
節約能源 是我們日常生活中應該遵守的原則。無論水或者電,
. 都應該盡量做到節約。人們如果不節約,
. 那我們的能源一定會被消耗殆盡,
. 可見節約能源對我們非常重要。
1、 媽媽買回來的菜, 洗衣服, 那些水可以用來澆花園裡的花,

. 節省用水。
2. 洗衣服的水.可以用來沖馬桶, 這樣不會讓我們浪費太多的水。
3. 看見水龍頭的水還在滴時, 我們可以順手關緊它,
. 使它不再多浪費一滴水。
. 也要放進資源回收桶處理,
. 這樣才可以消除我們大自然的垃圾污染。
. 而是每一個人的責任,也就是說大家要共節省用電用水,
. 為了不在浪費資源,使它在大自然中減少,
. 我們大家應該都要分擔盡一份心 .
那 我們明天會更好.

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-10-23T12:17
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls . i would like to thank you for joining my talk about the responsibility of the energy conservation.
Now our world is facing a lot of problems such as global warming , air pollution , lack of water , water pollution and land pollution what so ever.
The conservation of energy is very grave(嚴重) now . As energy could not be create or destroy so we should all do our part of conserving the energy like switch off the power of television when no one is watching or we could off the light of a room when no body is inside the room .
i hope everyone could conserve as many energy as they could . Because we all are living in this world so we should do a part of svaing the earth .


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-10-20T00:00
好像讀錯學校了好想回去讀基隆的學校喔好想交到很多新朋友過著交女朋友玩車夜衝糜爛的生活喔我才大學耶為什 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-10-20T00:00


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-10-20T00:00
幾年前因為過度消費而成了卡奴,一直逃避到現在目前是不用扶養父母,但有一個小孩要養.....大約欠了200多萬現在�� ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-10-20T00:00


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-10-19T00:00
真的是只剩100元過日子~還要繳房租(2人擠套房)育兒(國一又叛逆--為何要生他)~沒有任何資源~社工講的多好聽或誰�� ...