英文翻譯求救part4:原住民的認定議題盡量中午12點拜託! - 社會議題

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-10-30T00:00

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“Despite this constant exchange of populations across this permeable membrane, there is an extraordinarily stable, durable civilization discourse about hill and valley that treat each of these peoples as essentially different; one cultures, the other barbaric, one refined, the other primitive, one advanced and cosmopolitan and the other backward and parochial. These pairs, of course, are the pairs as valley elites see them. If we adopt the hill perspective we get different pairs; one is free and autonomous, the other is in bondage and subordination; one is nominally and equal of others, the other is socially inferior; one is physically mobile, the other is hemmed in by officials and state institutions” (2000: 3).
These two spheres remained intact in spite of the constant flow of people between them throughout history. “Hill tribes” and “valley civilization” according to Scott constitutes a “lived essentialism” that “remains intact as a powerful organizer of peoples’ lives and thoughts” (2000: 4).
“Despite this constant exchange of populations across this permeable membrane, there is an extraordinarily stable, durable civilization discourse about hill and valley that treat each of these peoples as essentially different; one cultures, the other barbaric, one refined, the other primitive, one advanced and cosmopolitan and the other backward and parochial. These pairs, of course, are the pairs as valley elites see them. If we adopt the hill perspective we get different pairs; one is free and autonomous, the other is in bondage and subordination; one is nominally and equal of others, the other is socially inferior; one is physically mobile, the other is hemmed in by officials and state institutions” (2000: 3).

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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-11-01T20:14
儘管人口這恆定的交換橫跨這個有滲透性的膜, 有根本上對待每個這些人民像不同的一個非凡穩定, 耐久的文明演講關於小山和谷; 你開化, 另一野蠻, 一個被提煉, 另一原始, 一個被推進和世界性和其他落後和教區。這些對, 當然, 是對因為谷精華看他們。如果我們採取小山透視我們得到不同的對; 你是自由的並且自治, 其他是在奴役和附屬; 你有名無實地是並且其他人的均等, 其他社會上下等; 你是完全流動的, 其他由官員和狀態機關包圍"(2000 年: 3)
2007-10-30 10:43:26 補充:
這兩球形歷史上原封保留了竟管人恆定的流程在他們之間。"小山部落" 和"谷文明" 根據史考特構成"保留原封作為人的生活和想法一個強有力的組織者" 的"居住的essentialism" (2000年: 4)


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-10-30T00:00


Michael avatar
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at 2007-10-30T00:00


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By George
at 2007-10-30T00:00
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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2007-10-30T00:00
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Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-10-30T00:00
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