英文題目幫解答 - 社會議題

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-07-05T00:00

Table of Contents

1. ( ) It is ______ to use fake credit cards. (A) boring (B) foreign (C) ideal (D) illegal
2. ( )In Taiwan, the first ______ of a school year usually begins in September. (A) example (B) rule (C)semester (D) system
3. ( ) Frank always thinks about too many things, so he cannot ______ in class. (A) concentrate (B) imagine (C)preview (D) remember
4. ( )Mr. Wang is a ______. He sells food and drinks outside the park every day.
(A) PE teacher (B) police officer (C) street vendor (D) taxi driver
5. ( )In summer it is ______to stay in my parents’ room because it is air-conditioned. (A) comfortable (B) gentle (C)impossible (D) serious
6. ( ) The old man is looking at his granddaughter ______. He has not seen her for a long time. (A) happy (B) happier (C) happily (D) the happiest
7. ( )Fred has a ______for languages. He can speak Japanese, French and Russian. (A) brand (B)joke (C)report (D) talent
8. ( ) Yuki loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to ______ her. (A) believe (B) control (C) notice (D) visit
9. ( )Mr. Chen has a loud voice. His voice can ______ clearly even in that big classroom. (A) hear (B) be heard (C) be hearing (D) have heard
10. ( ) Mother makes me ______ my homework everyday before I can play video games. (A) finishing (B) finished (C)finish (D) to finish
11.( ) I like to go shopping in that department store because the ______ there are very polite and nice.
(A)clerks (B)doctors (C)fans (D)passengers
12.( ) David plays basketball well. He’s quick and makes good ______.
(A)desserts (B)music (C)shoes (D)shots
13.( ) We enjoy working with Canny because she always ______ to help.
(A)begins (B)forgets (C)hates (D)volunteers
14.( ) The ______ last week scared a lot of people. Its strong winds and heavy rains took fifty lives.
(A)air pollution (B)soccer game (C)system (D)typhoon
15.( ) Isabelle has always been ______writing. In fact, she likes writing so much that she has decided to be a writer.
(A)embarrassed by (B)fond of (C)fans (D)passengers

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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-07-08T22:20
1 。 ( )這是______使用假信用卡。 (一)鏜( b )外國(丙)理想(四)非法
2 。 ( )在台灣,第一次______學校每年通常在9月開始。 (一)例如( b )條規則(丙)學期(四)系統
3 。 ( )弗蘭克始終認為,在很多事情上,所以他無法在課堂______ 。 (一)集中(二)想像(丙)預覽(四)記住
4 。 ( )先生王是一個______ 。他賣食品和飲料外的公園,每天。
5 。 ( )在夏季這是______to留在我父母的房間,因為它是空調。 (一)舒適(乙)溫柔(丙)不可能(四)嚴重
6 。 ( )老人正在尋找他的孫女______ 。他還沒有見到過她很長一段時間。 (一)高興(乙)幸福(丙)快樂(四)快樂
7 。 ( )弗雷德有______for語言。他會說日語,法語和俄語。 (一)品牌(二)笑話( c )報告(四)人才
8 。 ( )由紀喜歡穿著奇怪的帽子,因為她希望人們______她。 (一)認為, ( b )控制(丙)的通知(四)訪問
9 。 ( )先生陳有一個響亮的聲音。他的聲音可以______明確,即使在大教室。 (一)聽取( b )在聽取了( c )在聽證會(四)聽取
10 。 ( )媽媽讓我______我家之前,我每天都可以玩視頻遊戲。 (一)加工(二)完成(丙)完成( d )在完成
11 。 ( )我想不想去購物在該百貨公司因為______有非常有禮貌和好。
12 。 ( )以及大衛打籃球。他的快速,提出了很好的______ 。
13 。 ( )我們合作愉快,因為她總是坎尼______幫助。
14 。 ( )的______上週害怕了很多人。它的強風和大雨了50生命。
( a )空氣污染(二)足球比賽( c )系統(四)颱風
15 。 ( )伊莎貝爾一直______writing 。事實上,她喜歡寫作,所以她決定成為一個作家。
(一)尷尬(乙)喜歡( c )的球迷(四)乘客
* ㄅ之這樣你是否看ㄉ懂....網路上找ㄉ....


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-07-04T00:00
我是剛玩新職業閃雷悍將的QQ我看過討論區,海盜打手能力值的配點:有的說4力1敏,也有人說敏捷=等級,但閃雷� ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-07-04T00:00
1.今年高屏區大學進修部有哪些學校?(唸廣告設計科可以讀的)2.(接著上題)每間學校有什麼科系要幾分?3.(再接著上�� ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-04T00:00
1.他和在南投家禽防治所的前妻離婚,不敢公開清楚表明身份外,常單獨二人相處,我反對無效。2.把撞球間當家�� ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-07-04T00:00
我知道在這個社會上還是有很多男性有處女情結,不管他們是不是處男。。。他們說,他們無法想像他們的女人跟 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-07-04T00:00
黑板灰塵大,但是比較不傷視力.白板筆很臭.又會反光,可是沒什麼粉塵.如果開補習班應該要怎麼選?????聽說目前市�� ...