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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-04-30T00:00

Table of Contents

watch the film aninconvenient truth.
1.what are the causes of global warming?
2.what is the influence by global warming?
3.what are the solutions to global warming?

All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-04-30T06:01
1.部分的科學家相信,溫室效應(Greenhouse effect)是引起全球暖化的主因。所謂的溫室效應是由於地球的大氣層中含有大量的溫室氣體(Greenhouse gas),如二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide),將原本該從地球輻射回宇宙的能量吸收,最後造成大氣與地球表面溫度的上升,根據研究指出近幾十年來的全球平均溫度變化幾乎是與大氣中二氧化碳的含量同步上升。
1.Some scientists believe that global warming (Greenhouse effect) was the main reason for causing global warming. The so-called greenhouse effect is due to the Earth's atmosphere contains large amounts of greenhouse gases (Greenhouse gas), such as carbon dioxide (Carbon dioxide), the original of the universe from the Earth radiates back into the energy absorption, the final result in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface temperature rise, according to Research in recent decades that the global average temperature change is almost content with atmospheric carbon dioxide rise.
2.Global warming out of control if sustained, may cause some irreparable results. First rise in sea temperatures, could cause polar ice to melt, causing sea level rise and global climate imbalance, some low-lying islands may be the first to have been submerged, tens of thousands of residents displaced. Then lead to rain, snow abnormal changes led to some extreme weather events resulting from greatly increased the probability, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, ice storm, tsunami, hurricanes and tornadoes, etc., when these disasters occur, they are difficult to estimated losses. Finally, there may result a number of other consequences, such as rivers dry up, greatly reduced agricultural production, more areas of famine, species extinction and the plague and so on.
2010-05-01 23:00:42 補充:
3.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
=> Do not drive, do not Chuileng Qi, not thermal


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-04-29T00:00
看了許許多多的宣傳正反兩面的意見都有有人說可以有人說沒屁用我想問如果真的可以那麼是差在哪裡名名運送蔬 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-04-29T00:00
我是個五專的學生從專一開始我媽就一直說我以後可以考哪裡哪裡或者考哪間哪個科系到專三時去聽別人的話跑來 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-04-29T00:00
我想請問法律知識大大幫個忙...本人向法院and#34;訴請離婚and#34;,可是今天收到法院裁定書(裁定如下)主文:聲� ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-04-29T00:00
請問一下我們自然課要找一個資料我們這組選一個河流的主題請問台灣河流中有哪些原生種快絕種了又有哪些外來 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-04-29T00:00
常在泵浦規範中見到馬達型式為鼠籠型感應電動機(Low-voltagethreephasesquirrel-cageinductionmotor),為什麼要稱鼠籠型,是� ...