英翻中關於男女合校辯論論點(急!!!) - 社會議題

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-03-05T00:00

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1. In history, the two sexes were originally segregated in education because only boys had access to education in the first place, so there were some difference in levels, plus, it was an age when there had been a lot of prejudice between the two sexes. Single-sex education was predominant before the mid twentieth century, but recently, coeducation has been gaining power and favor. Take United Kingdom, for example, the number of single-sex state schools has fallen from nearly 2,500 to just over 400 in 40 years. And even Saudi Arabia has broken its strict tradition of sex segregation and established its first coeducational university, putting a lot of resource and effort. Single-sex education is a product of female discrimination in human history, and modern society no longer has any use of it.2. According to a study in UK, men who have attended boys schools before are much more likely to go through divorce later in life.3. One study has found more eating disorders within single sex schools compared to coeducational schools.4. It is argued that in single sex environments, students are denied a real life society, where both sexes exist, depriving them of opportunities to practice interaction with peers of the other gender.Single-sex schools arrange activities with other schools, so that in a variety of ways the students have contact with the opposite sex.

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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-03-09T11:05
在歷史,二性在教育最初被分離了,因為只有男孩得以进入對教育的首先,那么那裡是在水平上的某一區別,加上,它是年齡,當有在二性之間时的很多偏見。 單性別的教育在中間20世纪之前是主要的,但是最近,女同校得到力量和支持。 採取英國,例如,單性別的州立学校的数量從幾乎2,500下降了到刚好超过400在40年。 並且甚而沙特阿拉伯打破了它性别隔離的嚴密的傳統並且建立了它的第一所男女同校大學,投入很多資源和努力。 單性別的教育是女性歧視產品在人类历史的,並且現代社會不再有所有用途對它。
被争论在唯一性環境,學生被否認一個真实生活社會,兩性存在,剝奪他們機會實踐與另一個性別的同輩的互作用。 單性別的學校安排與其他學校的活動,因此在各種各樣的方式學生有與异性的聯絡。


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-03-05T00:00
有喝茶的朋友 注意了~~
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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-03-05T00:00
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Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-03-05T00:00


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-03-05T00:00
沒錯 總是這樣 。
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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-03-05T00:00
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