荷蘭火車的誤點 - 荷蘭

Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-04-05T16:13

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Unfortunately it may happen that your train arrives late at your destination.
We feel that it is important that you should then be compensated. For delays
in excess of half an hour you will receive a refund. Irrespective of the
For delays of 30 to 60 minutes you will be refunded 50% of the fare.
For delays of more than 60 minutes you will be refunded the full fare.
When does the scheme apply?
You get a refund for delays of 30 minutes or more provided the amount to be
refunded is Euro 2.20 or more.
The scheme applies to all domestic journeys you make with NS.
You get your money back irrespective of the cause of the delay, for example
even in the case of an accident on a level crossing.
We do not give refunds for delays on NoordNed, Connexxion or Syntus.
We may in very unusual cases claim force majeure, for example in the event of
a national power failure.
We do not give refunds if the delay was announced well in advance, for
example in the case of track works.
Ask for more details at an NS ticket office or ring 0900 202 11 63 (Euro 0.10
per minute).

Tags: 荷蘭

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2007-04-10T11:25
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-04-12T07:16


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-04-04T04:27
因為常看到有人有這個疑惑 我們自己出國前也搞不清楚 就特別以個人經驗專文說明一下 一般必須帶到國外用的重要文件 大概就是出生證明、畢業證書、結婚證書 其他文件就看你個人到荷蘭的目的或公司學校要求 這些文件要在國外產生效力 就得在台灣先經過公證、驗證、認證三道程序 公證就是法院或公證人公證 證明你的文件是 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-04-02T21:27
幾年前就聽過,荷蘭身高第一 今天yahoo新聞居然又拿出來講? 是真的新聞,還是沒事又捉舊事來講... 荷蘭人的身高大家覺得如何, 其實我覺得的確當然比台灣高, 但好像就是特別高的比較多一些,普遍的族群也沒說誇張到 大家都185上下呀... 講一下他們的男生小便斗好了,我在台灣就算矮了 不 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2007-04-02T19:34
※ 引述《drama (Muse)》之銘言: : http://www.marktplaats.nl/ : 完全免費,註冊也很簡單,只要有EMAIL就好了 : 東西五花八門,不過好壞得看個人運氣 : 此網站只提供交易資訊平台,細節全部自己談 : 不過荷蘭人真的什麼都敢賣,破銅爛鐵也不少 : 殺價也殺得很狠 : ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2007-04-02T14:31
http://www.marktplaats.nl/ 完全免費,註冊也很簡單,只要有EMAIL就好了 東西五花八門,不過好壞得看個人運氣 此網站只提供交易資訊平台,細節全部自己談 不過荷蘭人真的什麼都敢賣,破銅爛鐵也不少 殺價也殺得很狠 所以要自己談清楚喔! 我都是靠翻譯網站和破英文去談的:P 有的賣 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-04-01T22:20
: 推 ducklmh:我看荷蘭在台辦事處的網站也寫說: 04/01 19:24 : → ducklmh:拿到入學許可(交換學生應該也算吧?!),可以請學校先幫忙辦 04/01 19:24 : → ducklmh:意思說,有可能在到了荷蘭前,學校就幫我辦好?! ...