誰能幫我中翻英『新聞議題』 - 社會議題

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-05-17T00:00

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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-05-17T20:52
The ever developing Internet nowadays, it not only provides much more convenience to the society, but also becomes the heaven of crimes as well. Lots of the Internet cheating events have been appearing repeatedly, it focuses the social discussion.
Recently, it happened to a female student who attended the appointment from her forum pal and was killed. According to the police department, it is noted that it appears frequently in all kinds of the Internet crimes, we shall exercise more cautious in the security while making the friend through Internet.
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-05-19T11:52

最近有一位女性學生約見網友,卻造成天人永隔的命運,就警方指出,網路的犯罪事件層出不窮、日新月異,我們應該要更謹慎注意網路交友的安全→ The modern network is getting more and more developed, not only has provided places of the many convenience, but has also become the crime heaven, many network cheating event one after another appearance, has initiated the key point which the society discusses
One . Recently some feminine student made an appointment with the net friend, actually created the destiny which the beauty will forever separate, pointed out on the police, network's crime event emerged one after another incessantly, changes with each new day, we should probably the more discrete attention network make friends security ->


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-05-17T00:00
最近我跟同學去市區的時候我們到一家書店然後那裡不能帶飲料等等食物所以我把飲料放在外面可是當我要離開後 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-05-17T00:00
我目前在公托服務近8年,但屬臨僱人員,我是高職相關科系畢業,也在92年修畢360小時保育人員班,最近的幼托整合草擬方案聽說要開放保育人員四等�� ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-05-17T00:00
請大大幫忙,我需要兩份員工警告信,第一封是,主管與下屬口角,主管有種族歧視不當言語第二封是,下屬不服從主管, ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-05-17T00:00
如標題~室內約30坪小家庭要用的~直立式的吸塵器吸力是不是都會比較差?但我喜歡好收納的東西,圓滾滾的機� ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-05-16T00:00