請幫我翻譯這三段的英文謝謝 - 社會議題

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-07-29T00:00

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我希望 不是用網路上的翻譯網站翻譯出來的,因為那樣翻譯出來都不通順 而且怪怪的,如果能較為口語化 就更好囉 謝謝
Taiwan held its first nationwide referendum on March 2004. A referendum is often seen as the purest form of democracy: a question is presented to the public, to which the answer is simply yes or no.
Many democratic countries, including the United States, have two types of referendum: popular and legislative. A popular referendum comes from the people. When people are unhappy with a certain law that is passed by lawmakers, they can sign a petition, and the law is then rejected or accepted, depending on the number of signatures. A legislative referendum─the kind that was held here─comes from the government. The government holds a vote on a specific issue, giving the people a chance to decide what will happen.
Several nations use national referendums. In Europe, for example, residents of certain countries were asked whether they wished to join the European Union and use the euro, a common currency. In 1999, Australia held a referendum to decide whether the nation should remove Queen Elizabeth II as head of state and become a republic. The majority of voters said no, and the Queen stayed.

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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-07-29T23:24
Taiwan held its first nationwide referendum on March 2004. A referendum is often seen as the purest form of democracy: a question is presented to the public, to which the answer is simply yes or no.
Many democratic countries, including the United States, have two types of referendum: popular and legislative. A popular referendum comes from the people. When people are unhappy with a certain law that is passed by lawmakers, they can sign a petition, and the law is then rejected or accepted, depending on the number of signatures. A legislative referendum─the kind that was held here─comes from the government. The government holds a vote on a specific issue, giving the people a chance to decide what will happen.
Several nations use national referendums. In Europe, for example, residents of certain countries were asked whether they wished to join the European Union and use the euro, a common currency. In 1999, Australia held a referendum to decide whether the nation should remove Queen Elizabeth II as head of state and become a republic. The majority of voters said no, and the Queen stayed.


內無翻譯軟體成分, 請安心服用


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at 2008-07-29T00:00


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