請英文高手幫我摘要中翻英((翻譯急急急)) - 社會議題

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-04-25T00:00

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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-04-26T07:41
翻譯 :
Back to first love - "family".
With the rapid development and transformation of society, people seem to ignore the family to pay daily and care, life become a matter of course difficult to be noticed; course, but also a matter of course forgotten all this success and have been given from the deep love. Home to the "embrace power" is not necessarily substantial or specific presentation, but often in a transparent manner and the expression of a silent silent support and blessing; design can purify the soul and soft aspects of human sensibility, but also to give the role to remind to remind people In today's complex hasty pace of life, the other ignored the family's OK, do not forget to embrace the power to remember, let love return to the original.
2010-04-25 11:46:23 補充:
With the rapid development and transformation of society, people seem to ignore the family daily to pay and care for today's life is not easy to be pay attention to one kind of for granted; However, it also a matter of course forgotten all this success and be given from the family deeply in love.
2010-04-25 11:46:57 補充:
2010-04-25 11:51:47 補充:
Home to the "embrace power" is not necessarily substantial or specific presentation, but often in a transparent manner and the expression of a silent silent support and blessing.
2010-04-25 11:53:04 補充:
ㄜ 那個 support and blessing. 的 and 的 d 跑到下面了 抱歉喔 .
2010-04-25 13:21:47 補充:
Warm but trivial issue, but rich in emotion, the warmth of a strong, designed to clean and gentle soul level sensibility of people, we will create nice lovely presentation at the rational design, joined the feelings and reminders,
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-04-28T06:42
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-04-26T18:39
「設計可以… 」… 是否有前段什麼的 ? 這裡的「設計」有否其他意思 ??
你回答我後, 我會再確定一下那英文翻譯比較合用.
題目方面, 我會建議簡單一點 鐘其實, 有很多寫法.
The Primal Love - Family

With the social rapidly development and transformation, people neglect to invest and to care their family gradually. It overlooked naturally. People forgot their achievements were originally coming from an abosute love and care.
Family gives a “power of hug”. It is either tangible or intangible to carry out their supports and blessing reservedly. 「People are not only refined and tenderized the sensibility of their soul,」 but they are also carried out a function of reminder. In despite of the speedy and hasty lifestyle, it reminds people the happiness and the power of hug giving by their family and remembers the primal love from their family.

**不一定是最好的翻譯, 但也希望幫得上**
2010-04-25 05:55:20 補充:
第2個version : (1)
With the social rapidly development and transformation, people neglect to invest and to care their family gradually. Moreover, people naturally overlooked their achievements were originally coming from an abosute love and care.
2010-04-25 05:56:21 補充:
第2個version : (2)
Family gives a "power of hug" that can either be tangible or intangible to carry out their supports and blessing reservedly. ..... (跟之前的一樣)
2010-04-25 06:02:52 補充:
2nd version : (我明明已經post了, 但不見... )
第一段 : With the social rapidly development and transformation, people neglect to invest and to care their family gradually that naturally overlooked. Moreover, they forgot their achievements were originally coming from an abosute love and care.
2010-04-25 06:04:10 補充:
2nd version :
第二段 : Family gives a "power of hug" that either be tangible or intangible to carry out their supports and blessing reservedly. ... (其他不變...... )
2010-04-25 06:09:34 補充:
奇怪的, 內容又出現了..


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By Tristan Cohan
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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-04-24T00:00
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Emily avatar
By Emily
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