請英文高手幫我翻譯以下的英文句子 - 社會議題

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-04-19T00:00

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我急需要翻譯這些 英文句子...請英文高手幫幫我翻譯....謝謝
1. Power plants,factories,and cars are the main causes of global warming.
2. They release pollution into the air,trapping the sun's heat.
3. That causes the Earth's temperature to rise leading to many problems.
4. Indeed,fighting global warming many be the biggest challenge of our time.
5. As temperature to rise,so do sea levels.
6. A hotter planet may cause many animals and plants to become extinct.
7. We have the technology to slow down global warming.
8. New equipment can use new technology to make engines cleaner.
9. Getting the world's governments to agree on the issue is not easy.
10. Also,when baying a new car, consider one with a hybrid engine.
11. We're always looking for new methods to save time.
12. Speed dating is a new way to meet many people in a short period of time.
13. When time is up,a bell rings.Then,each man switches tables and talk to another woman until the next bell rings.
14. They can then contact each other to set up a longer date.
15. Thousonds of skyscrapers rise above the city.
16. The city is also a cultural center,bringing in large numbers of visitors.
17. For good reason,Shanghai's 18 million residents are proud of their home.
18. Shanghai is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River.
19. That puts it in an excellent spot for trading.
20. The city's yearly foreigh trade totals hundreds of billions of dollars.
21. Factories make cars,electronics and medicines,to name a few foreign investors are pouring money into local projects.

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Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-04-23T05:40
1. Power plants, factories, and cars are the main causes of global warming.火力發電廠、工廠和汽車是造成全球暖化的主要原因。2. They release pollution into the air, trapping the sun's heat. 它們釋放污染源到空氣中,抓住了太陽的熱量。3. That causes the Earth's temperature to rise leading to many problems.造成了地球溫度的上昇而產生了許多問題。4. Indeed, fighting global warming may be the biggest challenge of our time.事實上,對抗全球暖化可能是我們這個時代最大的挑戰。5. As temperature to rise, so do sea levels. 當溫度上昇,海平面也跟著上昇。6. A hotter planet may cause many animals and plants to become extinct.較熱的星球可能會造成許多動植物的滅絕7. We have the technology to slow down global warming.我們擁有減緩全球暖化的技術8. New equipment can use new technology to make engines cleaner.新設備可以使用新技術來使引擎更乾淨9. Getting the world's governments to agree on the issue is not easy.要讓全世界的政府同意此議題並不容易10. Also, when buying a new car, consider one with a hybrid engine. 而且,當要買一部新車時,考慮擁有混合動力引擎的車輛。11. We're always looking for new methods to save time.我們總是在尋找新的方法來節省時間。12. Speed dating is a new way to meet many people in a short period of time.快速約會是在短時間內遇到許多人的新途徑。13. When time is up, a bell rings. Then, each man switches tables and talk to another woman until the next bell rings.當時間到了,鈴聲響起。然後,每一個男子轉換桌子並和另一名女子說話直到下一次鈴聲響起為止。14. They can then contact each other to set up a longer date.然後他們可以互相聯繫,安排更長時間的約會。15. Thousands of skyscrapers rise above the city.成千上萬的摩天大樓在此城市豎立著。16. The city is also a cultural center, bringing in large numbers of visitors.這個城市也是文化中心,帶來大量的遊客。17. For good reason, Shanghai's 18 million residents are proud of their home.有好理由,上海1800 萬居民對他們的家感到自豪。18. Shanghai is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River.上海位於長江口。19. That puts it in an excellent spot for trading.它處於極好的交易地點。20. The city's yearly foreign trade totals hundreds of billions of dollars.這個城市的每年外貿總額有數千億美元。21. Factories make cars, electronics and medicines, to name a few foreign investors are pouring money into local projects. 工廠生產的汽車、 電子產品和藥品,幾個著名的外國投資者源源不斷的把錢投入本地的專案。
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-04-21T05:26
1.火力發電廠、 工廠和汽車是全球變暖的主要原因。2.他們釋放到空氣中,陷印太陽的熱污染。3.這導致地球溫度上升領先很多的問題。4.事實上,抗擊全球變暖很多是我們時代最大的挑戰。5.作為溫度上升,所以做的海平面。6.更熱的地球可能會導致很多的動物和植物瀕臨滅絕。7.我們有技術來減緩全球變暖。8.可以用新技術新設備,使引擎更清潔。9.要把世界上政府問題上達成一致並不容易。10.另外,狂吠一輛新車,當考慮與混合動力引擎之一。11.我們總是在尋找新的方法,以節省時間。12.快速約會是在短時間內滿足很多人的新途徑。13.當時間已到,鈴聲響。然後,每個男人切換表和談到另一名女子在下一次鈴聲響前。14.他們然後可以設置一個較長的日期,互相聯繫。15.成千上萬的摩天大樓升以上城市。16.這個城市也是文化的中心,引進大量的來訪者。17.好的理由,上海的 18 萬居民感到自豪他們的家。18.上海位於長江口。19.它處於極好的現貨交易。20.這個城市每年貨運貿易總額數十億美元的數百個。21.工廠生產的汽車、 電子產品和藥品,幾個外國投資者的名字源源不斷的湧入本地專案。


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