請英文高手翻譯極難英文句子(勿電腦翻譯) - 社會議題

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-08-17T00:00

Table of Contents

(一)“I’ll never get bored of the attention from girls,” he says. “My friends think it’s hilarious. It’s funny how differently people react. Some girls are too cool to come over, but I can tell they’re looking. Others come up and scream in my face and start shaking. I’m like: ‘I’m just Tom!’
(二)“Some will come and chat away normally as if they know me. And I get marriage proposals quite often! I get them on Twitter, through the post and sometimes I hear them shouted out at competitions. I find it all quite funny.“I’m doing sport because I love it. That’s the only reason, so it’s kind of cool that I get that as well.”
(三)Despite the adoration from lovesick girlies, Plymouth-born Tom is very much single. His tough Olympics training schedule (as well as his maths, Spanish and photography A-Level exams) doesn’t leave time for any hanky-panky.
(四)“I’m doing so much training at the moment, I don’t need the pressure of feeling like I have to go and see my girlfriend and do this and that,” he says.“So yes, I’m single. I don’t have any time for a serious relationship because there aren’t enough hours in the day.
(五)“I don’t see why I shouldn’t have a girlfriend in the future. But I can’t do it now because there’s no point – I’m away so much it would just go wrong. It’d have to be someone who understands the commitment. Whoever I go out with, diving comes first.”
(六)Personal tragedy isn’t the only struggle Tom’s had to overcome. A few years ago, on the back of his success, he became the victim of bullying at his local high school.

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-08-20T14:13
I'm like:I'm just tom!=我只想說:我只是一個湯姆嘛!
"I''m like:Whatever!!"
...第一段等等一定要亂翻了= = 還請多包涵
hanky-panky=手帕, 在這裡是浪漫情事的代稱.
understands the commitment可能是指理解對跳水的投入,
(一)"女孩們層出不窮的關注方式還真是讓我永遠不嫌煩," 他這麼說.
"我朋友都覺得非常有趣.看著不同類型的人不同的反應方式還真的很有趣.有些女生太矜持不想主動接近, 但我可以感覺到她們都在觀望.其他則會直接衝上來在我面前尖叫然後發抖.我只想說:"我只是一個湯姆嘛!"
(二)"有些人一過來就天南地北的聊彷彿他們認識我. 而且我還滿常被求婚的! 有些是透過Twitter, 有些透過郵件甚至有些直接在賽事上大叫.我覺得頗有趣.我成為運動員是因為我熱愛運動, 單純只是這樣, 因此能有這些額外的收穫感覺滿酷的."
(三)雖然備受瘋狂女粉絲愛戴, 流著普利茅斯血的湯姆大部分的時間都是黃金單身漢. 他嚴苛的奧林匹克特訓時間表(以及他的數學, 西班牙文跟攝影A級考) 把他榨的沒有時間談戀愛.
五)"我倒是沒有理由未來不交女朋友.只是現在不想要畢竟沒有必要---我大部分的時間都不在她身旁這樣的感情絕對會出問題. 對方必須是個對這樣的交往關係也能專一並且體諒的人.不管我跟誰在一起, 跳水一定放第一位."(所以湯姆是跳水選手!?)


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at 2012-08-16T00:00
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at 2012-08-16T00:00
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Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-08-16T00:00
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