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Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-08-17T00:00

Table of Contents

(1)Personality is the most important. She’s got to be fun, up for a laugh and have a ticket for the banter bus.
(2)The girls I’ve been with before have mainly been brunettes and olive-skinned, but I’m not picky! Just as long as they’ve got a nice personality, are nice-looking and around my age. Or older.
(3)Ahem. How much older? Are we talking Caroline Flack and Harry Styles?“Ha ha! Not old older! Three years older is acceptable at this age.
(4)“I hear people saying: ‘Argh, my mum and dad are so annoying, they’re so embarrassing!’ But they’re really not.“I used to find my dad embarrassing, but looking back I can see he was really funny. And lots of things that he did that I found embarrassing I find myself doing and saying now! I’ve got his sense of humour, and I like having fun. You have to enjoy life while you’ve got it.”
(5)As the eldest child, Tom admits he feels a sense of responsibility towards his mum Debbie, 40, and brothers William,15,and Ben,13.“I find myself talking to my brothers more. I’ve passed my driving test, so I take them places. I suppose I’ve taken on more of a role-model figure. And I really try to help my mum out.”
(6)Personal tragedy isn’t the only struggle Tom’s had to overcome. A few years ago, on the back of his success, he became the victim of bullying at his local high school.
(7). It became so bad that he left when an independent college offered him a sports scholarship.He says: “It started off gradually and got worse. It got to the point where if they’re taking my legs out in a rugby tackle… well, that’s not very funny.“It does knock your confidence, and that’s why it’s so important to have someone to talk to. For me that was my parents. I know lots of kids go through it and I hope they have someone to speak to. Don’t be afraid to tell someone.”
(8)Tom admits he would bottle up his anguish before coming home in “floods of tears”.But moving to Plymouth College in 2009 changed everything.
(6) (7) (8) 很重要~謝謝大家

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Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-08-20T17:38
up for=ready for(隨時準備好)
have a ticket for the banter bus= have a talent for bantering(懂得如何對話題作回應)
around ones age=年齡相仿
not old older=不是那麼老
"When I asked you out for dinner... I didn't mean DINNER dinner;
I meant like a date.")
take on=扛起
more of=bit of(有一點,算是,差不多是)
take out=帶走, 處理掉, 廢除掉
bottle up his anguish=堆積痛苦的情緒
(1)個性是最重要的.她一定要風趣, 隨時準備好開懷一場並且懂得如何對話題做回應.
(2)我曾經交往過的女孩大部分都是褐髮深色皮膚,但我其實不太挑剔!只要對方個性好相處, 長得漂亮且年齡跟我相仿就行.年紀比我大也可以.
(3)嗯哼.多大?你說的是像Caroline Flack跟Harry Styles(兩個古人)那麼老嗎?
但其實並不是這樣.我以前也覺得我爸讓我很尷尬,但現在回想才懂他的幽默.而且很多過去我覺得他讓我很尷尬的事,我發現現在的我也在做/說了!我遺傳到他的幽默感, 並且我懂得享受這幽默感. 人生就是要即時行樂吧.
(5)身為長子, 湯姆坦承他覺得照顧40歲的母親Debbie,15跟13歲的弟弟William跟Ben是他的責任.
"我發現我越來越常與他們聊天.我已經考到駕照了, 所以自然應該帶他們到處走走.
我想我算是一肩扛起家裡優良模範的角色. 同時我也很努力想幫上我媽的忙."
(6)個人悲劇還不是湯姆唯一必須克服的難關.好幾年前, 在他成功之前(在他的成功背後), 他曾是當地校園霸凌的受害者.
(8)湯姆承認他通常會壓抑累積很多痛苦挫折然後忍到回家時再放聲大哭, 但上了普利茅斯藝術學院之後這一切全都改變了.


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