馬來西亞反對黨領袖安華被控雞姦遭調查 - 馬來西亞

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-06-29T07:34

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Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar once again accused of sodomy amid
political tension

The Associated Press
Saturday, June 28, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was
accused Saturday of sodomy, police and politicians said, sparking speculation
that he might be arrested on the same charge that led to his imprisonment a
decade ago.

Anwar, who resurrected his political career after leading the opposition to
spectacular gains in recent elections, denied the allegation, which he said
was made in a police complaint filed by the 23-year-old aide.

"The police report lodged against me earlier today is a complete
fabrication," Anwar, 60, said in a written statement.

He contented the report was engineered by "interested parties" to prevent
him from exposing the national police chief and the attorney general for
their alleged role in having him accused of corruption and sodomy in 1998.

Anwar 霠a former deputy prime minister 霠was ousted from government 10 years
ago amid those accusations. He was convicted on both charges, but Malaysia's
highest court overturned the sodomy conviction and freed him in 2004.

Anwar said in the statement that he "recently obtained" evidence implicating
Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan and Attorney General Gani Patail of
misconduct and fabricating evidence against him in 1998. He said he will
release the evidence soon.

"I believe we are witnessing a repeat of the methods used against me in 1998
when false allegations were made under duress," Anwar said in a statement.

The dramatic developments that began to unfold a little before midnight will
have a severe impact on Malaysian politics, which have been thrown into
turmoil since the March 8 elections in which the governing National Front
coalition returned its worst-ever result.

The Front lost its traditional two-thirds parliamentary majority, returning
to power with only a simple majority, and ceded control of five of Malaysia's
13 states to Anwar's three-party opposition alliance.

Anwar has since claimed he has secured tacit agreements from at least 30
National Front lawmakers to defect to the opposition 霠enough to topple Prime
Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration.

Anwar claimed the sodomy report was aimed at stopping the resurgent
opposition from gaining ground.

"This is clearly a desperate attempt by the ... regime to arrest the
movement of the Malaysian people towards freedom, democracy and justice," he

Kuala Lumpur's police chief for criminal investigations, Ku Chin Wah, said a
man filed a police complaint late Saturday claiming that Anwar sodomized him.

"We are investigating the complaint," Ku told The Associated Press.

Sodomy, even if consensual, is punishable by 20 years' imprisonment in
Muslim-majority Malaysia.

Ku said police have no immediate plans to arrest Anwar, despite a cell phone
text message sent by Anwar's People's Justice Party warning that he would be
detained this weekend.

Ku declined to identify the man who lodged the complaint, but the People's
Justice Party identified him as Anwar's assistant, who started working for
him in March.

The party said it believed the aide was coerced into making the accusation.

"He (the aide) is a victim," said Sivarasa Rasiah, a top party official. The
aide went missing Saturday morning, and his whereabouts remain unknown,
Sivarasa said.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fired Anwar from the Cabinet in 1998
amid accusations that he sodomized his family driver and abused his power to
cover up the deed. Anwar insisted he was victimized by a political conspiracy
to prevent him from challenging Mahathir for power.

Anwar did not personally run in the March elections because his corruption
conviction barred him from holding political office for five years. The ban
ended in April, and Anwar has since indicated he wants to re-enter Parliament
through a by-election, which would make him eligible to become prime


All Comments


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-06-28T22:31
: 推 XiJun:東亞大學現在已經改名為澳門大學了 06/25 22:05 根據路邊社消息指出: 葉假三並沒有進入過任何正規大學,也沒有通過有系統的學習、研究和考試及格之後才能 獲得學士學位文憑證書。 所以,沒有學士文憑怎樣可以讀工商管理碩士呢? 東亞 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-06-28T17:29
最近家妹要過來台灣玩,問我手機充電的的插頭是不是不一樣? 我回去的時候手機是買一個三頭轉兩頭的差頭就可以用了, 那麼馬來西亞的手機是不是也要買個轉接頭的東西才能在台灣充電呀? 台灣有賣嗎?還是要先在馬來西亞準備? - ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-06-28T16:54
我沒有實際投保的經驗 不過有看過一些文獻 也聽過移工研究相關學者的說明 我這裡據我所知的 先回答勞保的問題 有錯請指正 「勞保」是勞工保險 跟勞工退休金(簡稱「勞退」)是不一樣的東西 「勞退」比較像大馬的公積金 不過又有點不同 比起大馬 台灣勞退存有非常多的缺陷 回來談勞保好了 「勞保」 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-06-28T14:41
如題 請問板上有沒有哪些大大 已經在台有穩定的工作 除了健保勞保以外 還有再保台灣的保險 譬如說 健康險 壽險 防癌險 意外險blabla 有沒有哪些家是在台灣保了 拿回去馬來西亞也能用的呢?? 譬如說繳20年期就終身保障 可是說不定20年內或20年後回去馬來西亞 那保障如何等等? 有沒有實際經歷過理賠 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-06-28T07:40
大家好~ 第一次在這個版PO文 很緊張andgt;andlt; 話說 我在一個機會下認識了一群馬來西亞的好朋友 相處起來的心情好愉快 大家都很友善也很熱情 去年十二月也利用時間去了馬來西亞一個禮拜 到了吉隆坡和檳城 馬來西亞的海灘、食物(我很能吃酸吃辣!呵呵~)...等等我都好喜歡 深深的喜歡這個地方^^ ...