No help unless you're learning or earning - 紐澳

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-05-01T12:07

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No help unless you're learning or earning
Friday May 1, 2009, 9:39 am

A new jobs and training initiative for young people was agreed
upon yesterday in an effort to set the nation up for a strong
recovery and stop youth unemployment rising during the recession.

The new policy will enforce that young Australians who haven't
graduated from year 12 must be in education or training to get
Youth Allowance. The same conditions must be met if parents of
these young people in the same circumstances wish to receive
Family Tax Benefit aid.

Over 135,000 Australians aged under 25 are expected to be affected,
with the latest official figures showing that there are 78,259
people aged 16 to 20 who are neither studying nor employed and
are receiving the youth allowance.

The current welfare rules will be strengthened and enforced to
ensure they comply.

Mr Rudd said he was not prepared to allow the recession to consign a
generation of young people to the ranks of the long-term unemployed.

"We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past where young people who
lose their jobs today become the long-term unemployed of the future,"
the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister also offered the states access to a $100 million
incentive fund if they lift Year 12 completion rates to 90% by 2015.
They currently sit at 74%.

"That's important for families, it's important for self esteem. I think
that's just good policy, and it's the right way to go."

"We don't want young Australians to be out there doing nothing. We want
them to use this time of economic downturn to get new skills."

Mr Rudd denied the changes were an attempt to mask damaging youth
unemployment levels, which are predicted to rise further as the economy


Tags: 紐澳

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