Re: 昨天的台灣大地 - 生態環境討論

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2003-06-17T12:47

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※ 引述《HeyYoNigga (David Harvey好帥...)》之銘言:
: 好像是我們台灣自己做的影片 拿去投稿NGC的樣子
: 錄音和錄影技術還是有差...



哪天拍出有世界水準的好片~~ ^^


What You Will.........


All Comments


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2003-06-16T20:13
好像是我們台灣自己做的影片 拿去投稿NGC的樣子 錄音和錄影技術還是有差... -- 少吹冷氣 少吃肉 少騎車 節省用電 請保護大自然.... Love on Nature, mother of ...

Orphan Chimpanzees in Crisis

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2003-06-13T09:04
We urgently need your help. In the Republic of Congo, where the Jane Goodall Institute cares for orphan chimpanzees who’ve lost their mothers forever to p ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2003-06-11T21:13
and#34;Twenty Years with the Dolphinand#34; 描述一群生活在Bahama archipelago的大西洋熱帶斑海豚 針對一隻名叫Chopper的小海豚 從一歲到20歲 長達20年的行為研究 下一次播出時間是明天凌晨1:00 =P 緊接著 剛剛又看了一次 an ...

Court battle to pretect whales against deadly Navy sonar

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2003-06-11T06:33
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender, We need your immediate support as we go to trial in a case that is critical to the future of marine mammals on this planet. Th ...

Vaquitas on the ride

William avatar
By William
at 2003-06-09T17:02
很久以前po過的瀕危 港灣鼠海豚 (vaquita, bay porpoise) 這期的NGM(June)有後續保育成果出來了 有興趣可以去看看 -- 少吹冷氣 少吃肉 少騎車 節省用電 請保護大自然.... ...