商用英文英翻中需順暢 - 社會議題

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-05-14T00:00

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Does all this mean that questions of social responsibility can be safely ignored? Not at all-but they’re only one part of the equation. Companies aren’t in business to solve the world’s problems, nor should they be. After all, they have shareholders who want to see a return on their investments. That’s why managers need to bring the environment back into the fold of business problems and determine when it really pays to be green.
Not all companies can profit from concern about the environment. Others will be able to do so by following one-and in some cases more than one-of the approaches describes here. At any rate, a systematic look at environmental management opportunities is worth the time. Imaginative and capable managers who look at the environmental management opportunities is worth the time. Imaginative and capable managers who look at the environment as a business issue will find that the universe of possibilities is greater than they ever realized.
有點難懂 希望不要用goolgle翻譯

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-05-18T21:17
這一切是否意味著可以很有把握地無視於社會責任的問題? 並不盡然-不過他們僅是這個平衡方程式裡的一部份. 公司企業的本份職責並不是為了解決世界的問題,他們也不必要. 畢竟,公司股東也希望樂見投資能回本. 那就是為什麼經營管理者需要將環境納入回歸成自身的業務問題的一部分並且決定有時是真的能為環保負出.
並非所有的企業都能因關心環境而從中獲利.有些人也可從這所描述的方法中取其中之一--有些案例中不只一種方法-----而效法之. 在任何等級比例上,對於環境管理機會上做一系統性的審視,對於時間來說是值得的. 富有想像力與能**管理者若將環境視同為本份職責的一項議題將會發現天地萬物的潛在價值是超出他们所能理解的.
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-05-17T20:32
難道所有這些意指,社會責任的問題可以安全地忽視嗎? 不是所有的-他們只是這個平衡的一小部份。 公司的生意既不是解決世界問題,他們也不該解決世界問題。 畢竟,他們有想要見到在他們的投資方面的回報股東。 那是經理為什麼需要把環境帶回到商務問題的摺層而且決定它何時真的被償還在更環保。


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-05-13T00:00
如上題最好有電話能聯絡的到的最好有粗鹽和工業用鹽我需要大量的貨因為最近要辦活動和醃漬一些醃漬品所以想 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-05-13T00:00
為什麼空氣和水那麼重要個人可多搭乘大眾交通公具,如:公車、捷運、計程車....等多種樹減少清潔劑的用量選擇� ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-05-13T00:00
車禍事件:我今天在紅綠燈前面被一台小車擦撞,到一點點導致我龍頭失控撞到旁邊騎士,結果小車不見了我回去�� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-05-13T00:00
請問開南大學andamp;台北城市科大andamp;東南科大這三間學校的餐飲或餐旅哪間比較好?還有風評排名(大概說明一下�� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-05-13T00:00
Theairispolluted.Hehascoughedalotthesedays.(1)Becaueofthepollutedair,hehascoughedalotthesedays.(2)Becauseoftheairpollution,hehascoughedalotthesedays.t ...