在美國如果問這樣的問題 - 文化差異

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-08-18T14:24

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※ 引述《ShiningRuby (閃亮紅寶石女王)》之銘言:
: 說到這個,
: 我覺得很感慨....
: 我現在在美國唸書,課餘以教鋼琴餬口.
: 以下是發生在我鋼琴學生身上的事.
: 這個女生十歲,爸媽是大陸來的,在美國生下她,所以她是標準ABC.
: 她應該會講一點中文,不過我從沒聽她講過,
: 我們是用英文上課,我跟他的家長也都是講英文.
: 有一天上課時我示範新的曲子給她聽,
: 她問:"為什麼你只是視奏就彈這麼好?"
: 我:"因為我已經彈25年的鋼琴啦!如果你認真彈鋼琴彈25年,你也可以像我這樣."
: 本來我還在為我的機會教育小小得意中,
: 沒想到我學生竟然接著問:
: "那我爸媽來美國也已經二十幾年了,為什麼他們講英文的口音還是很重?"
: 他問我的語氣就是一副很受不了爸媽的破英文的樣子....
: 我也愣住不知道要怎樣回答,後來我說:
: "這不一樣啊,你爸媽的第一語言不是英文,所以你不能期待他們能講得跟美國人一樣,
: 就像你的中文應該也不好吧?"
: 她挺直腰桿說"拜託,我是在這裡出生的!"
Is there anything wrong for this??
You said her Chinese was not good and she tried to find some excuse.
She was born in US, so she must have attended US school.
This is a reasonable excuse for her poor Chinese.

: 言下之意就是她跟她爸媽不一樣,她是美國人.

It is really different. She grew up in a very different environment comparing
to her parents. If her answer upset you, that is because she does not know
the nature of language learning. As a teacher, you cannot expect a 10-year-old
kid has a very mature mind.

: 我不知道她為什麼會對她爸媽的口音如此不以為然,
: 但看她這樣,一股莫名的感傷就在我心中油然而生......

Do not imply too much... a suggestion.

By the way, some Chinese couple might only speak Chinese to each other at home.
This can also slow down their progress in learning a new language.
Some children might be born in a Chinese family; however, they can also
stay a few hours per day with their classmates and teachers.
So, nothing surprised.

I am interested that so many people blaming the little girl.
Suppose a ABC must respect their origins and their parents native language,
how can we Taiwanese ask those Chinese immigrants to speak good Taiwanese?
and tease those politicans failing to do that?
Isn't that a sort of racism?

Isn't that a human right for a person to admire their nation and
native language? although they might be different from their parents' or
other people sharing a skin colour.


All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-08-20T02:11
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2006-08-24T18:30
Chinese, plz
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-08-28T21:46
The answer is no. Thank you.
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-09-01T17:00
樓上在鳥什麼? 又沒人說那個女孩還如何.


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-08-18T05:58
: 我從 1991年移民到澳洲, 至今1x年. : 我是台灣人, 也認為自己是澳洲人. : 我參加過我們的總統選舉, 也投過1999年澳洲獨立公投. : 世界杯我支持澳洲, 奧�� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-08-18T03:46
※ 引述《magicwei (Wonderful days!跡部樣)》之銘言: : 我不知道板上有多少移民的朋友? : 移民之後 : 到底是認同哪邊多一些? : 說認同很奇怪 : 一時之間不知 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2006-08-18T03:02
※ 引述《akee ()》之銘言: : 我覺得小孩子在美國出生 : 覺得自己是美國人這沒什麼問題吧, : 在我們眼裡覺得他們好像忘本, : 不會說中文還怎樣的, ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2006-08-18T01:08
※ 引述《sexwantboy (hehe)》之銘言: : 上次去SF玩 : SF真的是一個大城市 : 有很多不同膚色髮色的人 不同族裔的比比皆是 : 身為台灣人的我 當然會特別注 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-08-17T21:36
分享一些自己的經驗: 我朋友是華人移民美國的第二代 當然也就是所謂的ABC 爸媽是道道地地的台灣人 支持台灣獨立 所以在他們家庭的除了英文 就� ...