請英文高手英翻中 - 社會議題

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-03-06T00:00

Table of Contents

以下請幫助英翻中, 請不要用線上翻譯軟體!謝謝!
1. Does the supplier have a written commitment to maintain a workplace free of illegal discrimination (race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, religion, height, weight, veteran status, political status, or any other characteristic protected by law) and harassment (Verbal, Visual, Physical, Sexual, Discriminatory, etc
2. Are gauges and test / inspection equipment, including customer owned gauges and equipment, checked by a documented system with a defined GR&R system and are records maintained?
3. Is FA performed on all life test failures? (are customers provided the FA results automatically); life test failures are non-production failures used for compliance to standards or other industry reliability requirements
還有下列文句 也麻煩高手翻譯!!
1. Is the line layout balanced for optimal throughput and structured such that it will avoid any type of misrouting of material?
2. Initials or stamp of person performing calibration / inspection?

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-03-09T04:22
1. Does the supplier have a written commitment to maintain a workplace free of illegal discrimination (race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, religion, height, weight, veteran status, political status, or any other characteristic protected by law) and harassment (Verbal, Visual, Physical, Sexual, Discriminatory, etc.)?1. 供應商有無維護工作場所不受(種族、信仰、膚色、國籍、性別、年齡、殘疾、婚姻狀況、性向、公民身份、宗教、身高、體重、榮民身份、政黨狀況或受法律保護其他特性)非法歧視及(語言上、視覺上、身體上、性別上、歧視性等等)騷擾的書面承諾?
2. Are gauges and test/inspection equipment, including customer owned gauges and equipment, checked by a documented system with a defined GR&R system and are records maintained?
2. 包括客戶持有的量具及測試/檢驗設備是否經文件系統以規定的 GR&R(量具重現性與再生性)檢驗?且其記錄是否維持?
3. Is FA performed on all life test failures? (Are customers provided the FA results automatically?) Life test failures are non-production failures used for compliance to standards or other industry reliability requirements. 3. 有無針對所有壽命測試失效執行FA(失效分析)?(客戶是否自動提供失效分析結果?);壽命測試失效是用於符合標準或其他產業可靠性需求的非生產失效。 供您參考!
2011-03-09 11:04:35 補充:
1. Is the line layout balanced for optimal throughput and structured such that it will avoid any type of misrouting of material?
2. Initials or stamp of person performing calibration / inspection?
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-03-08T23:12
1.供應商.有書面的承諾保持工作場所免費的非法歧視 (種族、 信仰、 顏色、 國籍、 性別、 年齡、 殘疾、 婚姻狀況、 性取向、 公民身份、 宗教、 高度、 重量、 老兵、 政治地位或受法律保護的其他特性) 和騷擾 (語言、 視覺、 體育、 性、 歧視性,等
2.儀錶和測試/檢驗設備,包括客戶擁有儀錶和設備,所記錄的系統定義的 GR & R 系統檢查和記錄保持嗎?
3.發上執行所有生命測試失敗嗎?(客戶提供 FA 結果自動) ;壽命測試失敗是用於法規遵從性標準或其他行業的可靠性要求的非生產故障
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-03-09T06:44
2。是儀表和測試 /檢測設備,包括客戶擁有的儀表和設備,檢查記錄系統由一個與定義 GR&R的系統,並記錄?
3。是英足總對所有壽命試驗失敗? (是客戶提供的足總杯結果自動);壽命試驗失敗都是非生產故障用於符合標準或其他行業可靠性要求
2011-03-06 23:26:52 補充:


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-03-05T00:00


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-03-05T00:00
求翻譯. 用辭越精準越好, 句型結構可調整,請勿使用Google翻譯, 謝謝: (以下用途為準備辯論)
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