麻煩英文高手幫我翻譯這篇自傳(超急)送二十點 - 社會議題

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-04-16T00:00

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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-04-18T20:13
In the eyes of everyone, I am an optimistic, cheerful, lively and positive person, and also have the spirit of dedicated service, the students participate in group activities during the regular session, with the nature of the service activities and volunteer community service, but also because of these valuable experiences I learned how to service and leadership ability and training services to my character, so I developed a serious, responsible, positive attitude.
As the student experience of group activities to cultivate my interest in the field of communication, so even if I belong to non-undergraduate students, still decided to convert the runway毅然决然the dissemination of information by candidates, because I think the future is bound to the dissemination of developments in the field of science and technology combination of the two complement each other, and in the information society, the advent of the Internet, globalization and development trend of the global village, the community needs to engage in the information content of the design, collection, collation, retrieval, and dissemination of value-added, and the dissemination of timely information to the needs of the people a general lack of information experts, the more deeply I apply for the dissemination of information in the motivation and determination, hope he can become the information, communication, integration of the design trend of the times, different industry professionals under.
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-04-16T05:52
Short distance target 我翻譯從短程目標開始

From now get to institute this time, I will make an effort to enrich own English degree and make oneself be able to more have a competition ability, on the other hand, I will in great quantities read to spread the book that related research and information spread related realm concerning the science and technology of the information dissemination, information and let oneself be able to understand information to spread this newly arisen realm more, also in the future let oneself get into an institute to attend can sooner integrate into studies of institute.
Medium distance target
Hope to learn to spread the realm, digital image science and technology realm, communication dissemination realm and multi-media digital ncient books concerning the color vision publication after entering an institute realm of curriculum, develop his/her own specialty by in many ways overall angle to respond digital integration times under of development, and train oneself to control to include(1) the development trend of the knowledge of the information dissemination;(2)The independent completion information spreads the analysis of subject;(3)Define a problem and handle a problem and solve the ability of problem;(4)Make a show of valid four core ability such as communication, respect-work spirit and leadership ability etc..
Long distance target
The in the long run will emphasize oneself in the good influence of digital information ability, the self-restraint of the humanities art and media cultivated manners and develop training, with train oneself to become science and technology and humanities' laying equal stress on of integration type talented person for special feature, and develop learn, concentrate on the development of the realm of the information dissemination, make oneself become the professional talented person who matches "digital content industry" and"cultural creativity industry".
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-04-17T01:21
In everybody eye, I am optimistic, open and bright, lively, the positive enterprising person, and also has the warm-hearted service spirit, the student time often participates in the mass organization to move, the service nature activity as well as the community services volunteer, also as a result of these precious experiences, let me learn the service and leadership ability, also has raised my service disposition, also has therefore fostered me earnestly, responsible, the positive manner. Because school days' mass organization moved the experience to train me to disseminate the domain interest, even if therefore I belonged to the non-undergraduate course department's student, still resolutely decided the transformation runway register information dissemination institute, because I believed that in the future will disseminate the domain development inevitably with the technical union, both complemented one another, but in the network wired society approached, under the globalization and the global village trend of development, the social need was engaged in the information content the design, 蒐 the collection, the reorganization, the retrieval, the Canadian value and the dissemination, under and could at the right moment disseminate the information for needs the populace the information experts to lack generally, deepened me to register for the information dissemination institute the motive and the determination, expected that oneself could becomeThe information, the dissemination, design under the different industry conformity time tendency professional.


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-04-15T00:00
請問哪些蔬菜含有植物性荷爾蒙?又有哪些會影響到子宮肌瘤?(比如山藥就不能多吃)若豆漿裡的黃豆是基因改 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-04-15T00:00


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-04-15T00:00
請幫我個忙我的兩性作業幫我填個問卷我需要五個男生五個女生每個題目都要回答同意或是不同意喔謝謝!!!!!請點� ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-04-15T00:00
1.我現在武當55等我問一下心法要都幾等然後幾等後才要再繼續練?2.寵物65等可以帶什麼寵物單刷要上什麼技能團練 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-04-15T00:00
我在高速公路被攔撿,警察告訴我我的駕駛執照過期了,然後就開了一張紅單and#34;無照駕駛and#34;而駕照也被他拿走�� ...